Didn't NHRA want a reduction to 1000 ft back around 1980 which spawned the infamous "thousand foot club" at Indy? Personally, Joe average won't know the difference or even care that they've been cheated out of 320ft of possible carnage on each fuel run.
I just hope this is for Denver if not well im not sure what to think, I love 1320
Most of them weren't hitting the rev limiter until about the 1000-foot mark anyway. They've already been throwing everything they have at it to get to that point. I'd like to hear from an actual nitro crew chief on this matter. Given the numbers run with the rev limiter kicking in when it does, I really doubt the tune ups will change much, if at all. Jim Head has already said that racing a 1000-foot track will cost Alan Johnson money because his customers won't need to buy as many of his parts.this will mean the crew chiefs will only make the wick shorter, more fuel, more blower , more everything because they wont be hitting the rev-limiter. and god forbid there is an accident, then what? 660ft racing?
a permanent solution will cost money. this will save money. there's your answer as to how long this will last.
I was just about to go online to buy my plane tickets to vegas. if I hadn't already bought the race tickets I wouldn't bother.
how far down the track was tony p when he blew up at pomona?
the average fan won't notice eh? I guess I'm not the average fan.
pedalfest drivers race!
this is all about the big teams wanting to maintain their advantage. no change to the cars , no change to the tuneups.
the cars need to be slower as in ACCELLERATING SLOWER. Not reaching a lower top speed because the track is shorter...
When Scott died ... so did the 1/4 mile.
Yes if you shorten the track you might as well give back the label.Might as well make the nitro 100% now.