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It's Official: NHRA 1000 Foot For Fuelers in 2009

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I wouldn't be so sure of yourself. People are always going to race...especially nitro cars. You probably wouldn't see the money that is spent to race these cars(which might be a good thing), but rest assured as the day you were born, there would be someone racing nitro cars somewhere.

Monster trucks and tractor pulls.....that's the future of nitro racing if they keep neutering these beasts !
Rex, welcome back from your temporary exile :rolleyes:.

I was at Pomona yesterday and did mention it to a few people. Didnt see Garlits there or run into Connie, but next time Im at the track I will make an attempt to seek them out. Oh, wait, Im not going to be back at the track as long as they are running 1,000'


Heh..........leaves you a out then.:rolleyes:

I was not in exile, at least not voluntary, I was banned from the board.

I don't play well with others, never did, so sue me.

Your insinuation is the drivers don't have the stones that say.........YOU might posess:cool: So they are afraid to drive that last 320'.

So that would be the crux of your remark to them, would it not?

But since you are NEVER to return.................

Last time i checked it wasn't a requirement to be a pro driver to have an opinion on this matter. It is my money paying for the ticket. It is my money buying there shirts and other crap. So because they are millionaires they can dicate what i like and what i should shut and accpet. Thats the problem with this . Same s##t. SHUT UP AND TAKE it because i say so. i can tell ya the same thing . My money will be in my pocket or spent somewhere else.

No, If it needs to be explained to you, you'll never be able to comprehend the answer.


So I tried one more time.

I'm sure your spot will be filled, maybe not now, with the economic downturn, but come time the money will (hopefully) be there again, and they will come.

I know I'll be back next year, and I still bring newbies that will still get hooked, and still spend their $$$$$

Always have, always will, and I WILL definitely enjoy myself.:)

you know, I get why some people aren't bothered by 1000' racing, I really do (I don't agree but I get it)

what I don't understand is the "holier than thou" attitude of a few people that seem to think if you haven't strapped on a nitro car you shouldn't have an opinion...if that line of reasoning held true than stick and ball sports talk would be pretty pointless since almost nobody has dodged and NFL linebacker or tried to hit a MLB fastball

sports fans have opinions about sports, and if you can't accept that then maybe you should stay away from places like this, where those opinions are expressed
Seeing how I live close to Pittsburgh...That would just mean that Hines Ward gets down the field that much quicker. :D:D:D:D

We may not agree on everything but being a fellow Dixon fan AND a Black & Gold fan gives you cred in my book!!!
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It's a very simple concept: it isn't rocket science: don't run at tracks that can't accomodate 1320' racing and with current technology put a restraint system at the end of the track that actually works.
Thank you Bob! This is what I've believed all along:
Your insinuation is the drivers don't have the stones that say.........YOU might posess:cool: So they are afraid to drive that last 320'.

you didnt read my posting very well. I didn't say anyone in particular didn't have the "stones". I did say that if team or driver is concerned about their safety racing on 1320', then perhaps they shouldn't be doing it. Never said I had the "stones" to do it either, so please stop putting words in my mouth.

peace out
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Okay, I am taking k'dubs to his first race in 25 years to VMP next fall, all three days... and yeah, I renewed my membership on Sunday at VMP... just before round two...

To put it simply... I didn't hate it... didn't like the outcome in flopper, but the racing was still good.

It will be whatever it will be, and I will still go. I grew up on 1320, but then, I also grew up on black and white TV and AM only radio.


You are a Pro Nitro Racer?


Hey Rex, when was the last time you were strapped into a fuel car and made a pass? Thats what I thought. The only thing seperating us and them is money. Thats all. If I had a couple million, I'd be a fuel racer too. You dont have to be a world class chef to know your toast is burnt.

I just dont understand why some of you 1000 ft proponents get all holy and think your opinion is the only one that should count. And to answer yalls question, Would Scott still be here in they only race 1000 ft? The answer. NO. It would have made no difference. The car blew up at around 1100 ft, and he still would have been in it b/c most of them still are then. I know, b/c they were at Ennis. A couple even took it almost to the 1/4.

Personally I dont like 1000 ft. Its not what we do. We run 1/4 mile. I dont care if they slow them down or whatever they do, but I want it to go back to 1/4 mile. Will I still go and watch if they keep it at 1000 ft? Absolutely b/c I love this sport. Its in my blood, I was practically born at a racetrack. So I wont like it, but I will be there.

I just think some of you need to calm down. I dont like the countdown either, but it is what it is. So we have a joke for a championship, thats just the way it is.
One more question, .... what about the newbies??? What about the new fans that have never been to an event, but have only seen it on TV? They have never smelled nitro. They've never felt the stands shake when a pair of fuel cars launch. They've never stood behind the Kalitta cars when they seat the clutches. They've never smelled burning rubber during a pedal fest. Should they stay home because of 320 feet? What are they suppposed to think if they're reading this thread?

One of my biggest joys over the years has been bringing newbies to the track and watching the expressions on their face when they experience it all. Again, should I tell them to not come and stay home, because it isn't worth it at 1000 feet? I'm more interested in seeing the sport grow and attracting new fans than I am griping about a lousy 320 feet. I do everything I can to help the sport, by buying sponsor's products and bringing new people to the track.

However, as followers of the sport, we're free to gripe all we want about 1000 feet and to be critical of the NHRA. We as fans have a right to do that. BUT, to stay home and boycott the races while others are influenced to do the same(sic) is NOT helping the sport, but that's your prerogative. Heck, you die hards might as well form a union and march outside the gates with picket signs yelling "what do we want.....1320.....when do we want it.....NOW." :rolleyes:

I may not be a "traditional" fan, but I am a dedicated one. With that said, I'm off my soapbox for the day. It's Saturday night and I'm going out for a few beers....("Budweiser" of course :D).
One more question, .... what about the newbies??? What about the new fans that have never been to an event, but have only seen it on TV? They have never smelled nitro. They've never felt the stands shake when a pair of fuel cars launch. They've never stood behind the Kalitta cars when they seat the clutches. They've never smelled burning rubber during a pedal fest. Should they stay home because of 320 feet? What are they suppposed to think if they're reading this thread?

One of my biggest joys over the years has been bringing newbies to the track and watching the expressions on their face when they experience it all. Again, should I tell them to not come and stay home, because it isn't worth it at 1000 feet? I'm more interested in seeing the sport grow and attracting new fans than I am griping about a lousy 320 feet. I do everything I can to help the sport, by buying sponsor's products and bringing new people to the track.

However, as followers of the sport, we're free to gripe all we want about 1000 feet and to be critical of the NHRA. We as fans have a right to do that. BUT, to stay home and boycott the races while others are influenced to do the same(sic) is NOT helping the sport, but that's your prerogative. Heck, you die hards might as well form a union and march outside the gates with picket signs yelling "what do we want.....1320.....when do we want it.....NOW." :rolleyes:

I may not be a "traditional" fan, but I am a dedicated one. With that said, I'm off my soapbox for the day. It's Saturday night and I'm going out for a few beers....("Budweiser" of course :D).

Im all for others going to watch 1000' racing and I never said anyone else should stay at home. It's just that for me, I chose not to spend my money and time on a racing format that I don't find enjoyable anymore. Im not boycotting the sport. I will still follow it, still attend nostalgia and 1320 alcohol events. I just don't find the 1000' racing to my liking. Different strokes for different folks...
By saying that, you are also saying that there aren't any other viable options open to the NHRA to make their drivers safe at 1,320'.
To which, I totally disagree.
The problem is that it's going to cost more to go a safe 1,320 than it will to run a simple 1000'
That is their mistake. They are trading off the sport's legecy for simplicity.
It's simple and easy to achieve 1000' racing. Fire them up hit the gas and lift. Saves fuel, parts and tires etc. But in this case, they, as the drivers, owners and the NHRA should be reinvesting into their sports heritage, and not take the easy way out.
There are many options, and combination of options available to slow the cars down, while still putting on a great 1,320' show we have all come to expect over the last half century..
Just think of the challenges it presents. The only challenge there is now is to stay awake long enough to see AJ get his trophy.

George, I think this economy has some part in the decision to stay at 1,000ft. Can you imagine the costs to swap out inventory if there is a massive rules change? Given the current overall situation, the NHRA made the best decision for the teams.
you didnt read my posting very well. I didn't say anyone in particular didn't have the "stones". I did say that if team or driver is concerned about their safety racing on 1320', then perhaps they shouldn't be doing it. Never said I had the "stones" to do it either, so please stop putting words in my mouth.

peace out

My reading comprehension is 100%.

If a driver is concerned about racing 1320 perhaps they should not be doing it.


what part of that comment DOES not insinuate something about ones bravery?

I see a correlation.

sorry, but I do.

Hey Rex, when was the last time you were strapped into a fuel car and made a pass? Thats what I thought. The only thing seperating us and them is money. Thats all. If I had a couple million, I'd be a fuel racer too. You dont have to be a world class chef to know your toast is burnt.

I just dont understand why some of you 1000 ft proponents get all holy and think your opinion is the only one that should count. And to answer yalls question, Would Scott still be here in they only race 1000 ft? The answer. NO. It would have made no difference. The car blew up at around 1100 ft, and he still would have been in it b/c most of them still are then. I know, b/c they were at Ennis. A couple even took it almost to the 1/4.

Personally I dont like 1000 ft. Its not what we do. We run 1/4 mile. I dont care if they slow them down or whatever they do, but I want it to go back to 1/4 mile. Will I still go and watch if they keep it at 1000 ft? Absolutely b/c I love this sport. Its in my blood, I was practically born at a racetrack. So I wont like it, but I will be there.

I just think some of you need to calm down. I dont like the countdown either, but it is what it is. So we have a joke for a championship, thats just the way it is.

Back in the eighties I was strapped into a couple alky cars and made dozens of 200mph passes.

I know how fast the 1320 comes up after the 1000' mark, and it's pretty damned quick.

And how in the HELL do you KNOW FOR CERTAIN that Scott would or would not be here if racing was 1000':confused:

That is a preposterous statement.

No One knows.

But I KNOW he DID NOT blow up 'till AFTER the 1000' mark.

That is what I KNOW for certain.

Any other preposition is ludicrous.

I will live with 1000' AND enjoy it.

If we go back to 1320' I will say EXACTLY the same thing.

Just GET RID of the DAMNED rev limiter.

And build safe shutdowns.

those would be the two things I would do first before a 1/4 mile return.

A LOT of you "Sweat the Small stuff"

Guess what? Grow some gratitude for WHAT YOU DO heath and family and friends and a roof.

The rest is for piss-ants.

Get over it.

George, I think this economy has some part in the decision to stay at 1,000ft. Can you imagine the costs to swap out inventory if there is a massive rules change? Given the current overall situation, the NHRA made the best decision for the teams.

I agree with that. It was the best decision for the teams.
But, the easy way is not always the best investment into the future.
The one and only factor that was left out was the absolute most important factor of all, and that's the paying customers that make the whole thing go. The fans...
Without the repeat business of the fan base, there won't be much left to benefit the teams, and don't think for one second that if the stands aren't full that the corporate support will start evaporating fast.
I know some will disagree, but I've been in business my entire life. It's not about me, it's about my customers coming back...

C.K. Spurlock put it best.
"It's show business..If there ain't no show, their ain't no business"
There isn't anything at 1000'. No show, no legecy, no history, no numbers to beat, speed to shoot for. No nuthin' but an easy 4 second burst that will be boring to the hardcore fan, and they won't be bringing their kids next time....
Everything Snake, Big, Shirley, Tommy Ivo, Beadle, and Goose did... Ka-put in the context of today.
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My reading comprehension is 100%.

If a driver is concerned about racing 1320 perhaps they should not be doing it.


what part of that comment DOES not insinuate something about ones bravery?

I see a correlation.

sorry, but I do.

being concerned for your safety doesn't make you less brave. It shows that you are not comfortable with a particular situation and chose to avoid it.

Many times when I am shooting the airlaunch guns at Disneyland, I am concerned about the direction and speed of the wind and will cancel the show rather than push what in my mind is a bad situation. Does that make me less brave? No, it makes me a safe pryo. A less concerned pyro might chose to shoot the show and not have any negative outcome. Does that make him more brave? No. He is just willing to take more chances that I might be based on the conditions at show time. You are mixing up decision making with some false sense of bravery.

I never said or implied that drivers who don't want to race to 1320' are not brave. You are the one who took my statement there.
being concerned for your safety doesn't make you less brave. It shows that you are not comfortable with a particular situation and chose to avoid it.

Many times when I am shooting the airlaunch guns at Disneyland, I am concerned about the direction and speed of the wind and will cancel the show rather than push what in my mind is a bad situation. Does that make me less brave? No, it makes me a safe pryo. A less concerned pyro might chose to shoot the show and not have any negative outcome. Does that make him more brave? No. He is just willing to take more chances that I might be based on the conditions at show time. You are mixing up decision making with some false sense of bravery.

I never said or implied that drivers who don't want to race to 1320' are not brave. You are the one who took my statement there.

Ummmmmm.........yeah, OK:rolleyes:

Well then, so the drivers want to race to 1000'

So we both agree that that is their perogative, and that they would know best, barring being 'fraidy pants...............

Good, I agree too.:)

I agree with that. It was the best decision for the teams.
But, the easy way is not always the best investment into the future.
The one and only factor that was left out was the absolute most important factor of all, and that's the paying customers that make the whole thing go. The fans...
Without the repeat business of the fan base, there won't be much left to benefit the teams, and don't think for one second that if the stands aren't full that the corporate support will start evaporating fast.
I know some will disagree, but I've been in business my entire life. It's not about me, it's about my customers coming back...

C.K. Spurlock put it best.
"It's show business..If there ain't no show, their ain't no business"
There isn't anything at 1000'. No show, no legecy, no history, no numbers to beat, speed to shoot for. No nuthin' but an easy 4 second burst that will be boring to the hardcore fan, and they won't be bringing their kids next time....
Everything Snake, Big, Shirley, Tommy Ivo, Beadle, and Goose did... Ka-put in the context of today.

YUP..........The Sky is fer daymned sure falling.................:eek:

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