Force lost me when he cheated at Indy giving R hight a free pass into teh top 10 countdown.
Blabity blabity bla bla bla.
If it was any other car in the right lane that smoked the tires that round, nobody would be saying anything. Every time force smokes 'em against a teammate people accuse of cheating. It's getting old already.
For crying out loud Larry Minor used to block and dive for Gary Beck in the 80's and even admitted to it on broadcasts he would say that he had to look out for his main guy.
Blabity blabity bla bla bla.
If it was any other car in the right lane that smoked the tires that round, nobody would be saying anything. Every time force smokes 'em against a teammate people accuse of cheating. It's getting old already.
You asked a question and people are giving you an answer! If you don't want to hear why people don't like him, don't ask! Put down your JFR kool-aid and watch that race against Hight again and tell me he didn't throw the race. Dead late and drove the car directly towards the wall. A person with as much seat time as John doesn't drive dead right at the hit!
Okay, let's say he did throw the race. At that point he knew that were was no chance of him advancing any further in the points based on how his year was going (2009 was pretty crappy for John). On the other hand, Robert Hight had just beaten Cruz and now has a chance to get into the top 10 and make a run for the championship. Jimmy Prock at any time could turn that car into a monster. What would you do?
Besides being entertainment for us in the stands this is a business too. Remember when Lucas took out Melanie in 2007 ending her chances? Personally I thought it was very dumb on his part to not let her win. Would have had a very good car in the countdown mix that year....
Blabity blabity bla bla bla.
If it was any other car in the right lane that smoked the tires that round, nobody would be saying anything. Every time force smokes 'em against a teammate people accuse of cheating. It's getting old already.
Which is kinda funny that you say that as I actually Like Gary Densham....
Force lost me when he cheated at Indy giving R hight a free pass into teh top 10 countdown.
Been a fan since the Wendys days-but really wish the TV coverage wasn't TEAM FORCE and 12 other schmucks.
I never hated Force, just got sick of NHRA turning their Broadcasts into a JF Reality show!
Don't blame it on the countdown, all these teams know the rules of the game at the beginning of the season.Your kidding right? You would do the same think if you owned 4 teams then and you have sponsors to answer too. It pissed ALOT of people off and Cruz and Tony had their right to be mad, but not to get in a fight about it.
Was it right? No. Was it wrong? No There is the low chance that they actually did race for it, nobody will know the truth. It was not right because if it was not raced for it should have been, but it is right because he broke no rules, he had MILLIONS at stake he did what was best for his BUSINESS and because he did that Hight when on to win the big checks. Last but not least, if you feel hight and prock should not have the credit for the championship, they are entitled. They would of won a title if it was not for the countdown. Technically, they got the title they lost.