my friends call me Zappy
Nitro Member
I loved Dunn's comment:
"Pro backed down faster than a funny car spinning the tires..."
Oh yes Brian, Dunn nailed it that time, bullseye Mike.
Quote of the month there.
I loved Dunn's comment:
"Pro backed down faster than a funny car spinning the tires..."
I guess they can flip as quick as Washington politicians.
Sarcasm -with just a hint of narcissism mixed in.
Brian, I have to ask you something stupid, but what rear-end did you pull this out of of? Mark Williams, Strange, Chrisman, Moser or you're own? The "Meeting" with PRO and some owners was on Saturday at 8:00am and had to do with 4-wide but also something which is shocking has gone un-reported as of tonight. It was about another issue which is going un-reported at this time. As they say, "what happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas", that's all I'll say.
Do me and the sport a favor Brian. When you "TALK TO A MEMBER AT PRO", go ahead and quote them as far as what the "Meeting" and content is going to be about. There is nothing worse than some body who is 'in the know' after talking with somebody they 'know' and honestly being not only in the wrong ball park, but in the wrong city....
And after this statement, FOUR WIDE FORMAT RETURNS TO zMAX IN 2011 , I'd say your info was a bit off pace, don't ya think?
Tim, I wasn't going to respond but...I did make a mistake in my original post-I talked to the PRO member Friday morning and was told that the meeting was Saturday morning. Unfortunately I put Friday as the meeting date in my post by mistake. You got me there!
I'll stand by the rest of my post-my post indicated what PRO's proposal was going to be. The obvious result of the meeting, as mentioned by many on this board, was that PRO lost and backed down from the NHRA.
I didn't mention who I had talked to because I had not asked that person whether it was OK to quote them in public. I would not make the mistake of quoting someone without their permission.
I do not post to this board very often as I don't feel the need to constantly make my views known or slam other people. I only post when I think I have something to offer. The fact that NHRA and Bruton clubbed PRO over the head again does not change the fact that this result is certainly not what PRO intended when they went to the meeting. Or do you think the decision to have 4 Wide next year was PROs idea?
I've tried to make my comments as factual as possible as I don't have the time or desire to criticize or insult people I have never met.
....I hate to be the one to tell you this William, but until you accept this fact, you won't be racing in "The Show" anytime soon....
The "Sport" you know is dead. We've reached our 'peak' of seeking 'records' and performance. Perhaps not in sportsman classes, but as far as the 'cream of the crop', yeah, we're peaked dude. It's simply too damn fast dude. We can't go faster without the abilities to Slow them down after the run better. This means, longer shut downs, fewer catastrophic engine failures, and insurance companies willing to support us on our quest for speed....
If you have a solution for this, I'm sure the people in Glendora, Calif. would be happy to hear it...
We find it more entertaining going to the track with our own car and running it at the local events. Best wishes to NHRA in their future endevors, their demise is coming like a freight train in a tunnel.
If Mr. Smith want two more lanes at Vegas, thats fine with me. Just don't expect us to compete there under those conditions. There is a new option to race at in Southern Utah.
We really need a history lesson on How P.R.O. came to be... Who 'backed' them in the beginning, and how, even with Tulsa, some racers ran Indy, the same weekend.
i thought FUCM was not to be talked about......kinda like rule #1 of fight club
I’ve probably written and had published more negative things about NHRA than most people, and I’m working on an “Up Front” editorial for right now, but there are a few comments on this thread that just can’t be ignored.
Ray Rains, no one forces ANY racer to compete. The racers make those decisions based on their own best judgment. What makes you suggest the Four-wide Nationals was an unsafe race? I believe, from all reports, that the track and the NHRA Safety Safari absolutely had everything under control at zMax Dragway.
PS: The PRO isn’t about “to grow a pair.” They’ve had years to do it and despite a healthy diet and lots of fresh air they appear to be the size of baby peas.
Rather than go into detail here I respectfully suggest you read what we published over the weekend, when more than one driver said that they felt safe while racing in the four-wide configuration.
Chris Williams’s comment explains in minimal verbiage exactly why boycotts usually don’t work in drag racing. First one guy thinks, Hmmmm, I could win the fifty grand, and then another thinks it, and another until the fields are full.
I think there’s something else that the members here need to think about, and that’s their own chronological ages and their ability, or lack thereof, to look at drag racing with a fresh perspective. I’m a firm believer in the quarter mile concept, not 1,000 foot drag racing, but until someone figures out an equitable way of slowing the cars and gets everyone to agree to it, that thousand foot deal is where we’re at. It’s still drag racing, it’s still loud, it’s still exciting, and if we can only have that with 1,000 racing, then so be it. Better that than no drag racing at all.
Paul, you are so right, and until the racers fully comprehend that THEY ARE THE SHOW no significant changes will occur.
Mr. Payne, it IS a show. It IS a circus. We should be embracing that, not running from it. It was a show back in the 60s, too. We just didn’t recognize it as such.
After all, what’s a match race if not a show?
Jon Asher
Senior Editor
Jon I truly enjoy reading your articles and prespective of the NHRA. I want to know what your feeling is on what will happen if the EPA adds nitromethane to the toxic release list.
I think it would eliminate pit access for one but for the sport as a whole I'm very concerned.
I agree with what you said about PRO and thought they were about to grow a set until the latest 360. I did like and have a new found added respect for Morgan after what he said at his top end interview.
That would be a 180.
I still don't like 4 wide, I don't like the countdown, I still believe PRO has more leverage then they seem to believe and I still thought that they were right about voting the way they did about 4 wide! So not much has changed with my feelings Rex!![]()
And of course, you have every right on earth to them. As far as PRO, I have NEVER (not yelling, empathizing) seen them 'act', like they do. They HUFF, and they PUFF, and THEN............they..........say..........."OK, we'll do it your way sorry to bother you not making wave please sorry yes sir OK bye have a nice day"
I do love drag racing have ever since I was a kid... I know change is necessary, but the way they implement it is abrupt and without taking into consideration the fans and owner drivers especially the older base fans. It's more of a dictatorship in my opinion.
Me too. Since my very first day, my one and only true love. Well, I love my dog too..........and my Mom, and........
As far as the "dictatorship part, so is the NFL, the NBA, NASCAR, you name it. I remember when boxing went from 15 to 12 rounds after Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini offed Doo Koo Kim. There was no internet, but you would still think the world was coming to an end.
There have been failures and successes but more of the latter of late but that's just my opinion.
You are probably right, at least that is the feeling I'm beginning to get.
I do like Jon's take on a lot of the current situations that exist in Drag Racing.
I agree with him about 1000' foot racing and do want to see 1320' again but only when a total agreement between owners, drivers and NHRA deem it so!
The sooner the better in my book!
So do I, and so do I.
But, I meant a 180 degree turn, not 360, that would mean they voted for it, before they voted against it, before they voted for it.
When it comes to this topic, think of it as national health care; It doesn't matter what you think, the powers that be are smarter than you and know what is best for everyone. Your getting it whether you like it or not.
Oh, and you'll learn to like it because that what they think (or want to think), everyone is going to like it. How does that old saying go, "Trust me..."