I still don't like 4 wide, I don't like the countdown, I still believe PRO has more leverage then they seem to believe and I still thought that they were right about voting the way they did about 4 wide! So not much has changed with my feelings Rex!
And of course, you have every right on earth to them. As far as PRO, I have NEVER (not yelling, empathizing
) seen them 'act', like they do. They HUFF, and they PUFF, and THEN............they..........say..........."OK, we'll do it your way sorry to bother you not making wave please sorry yes sir OK bye have a nice day"
I do love drag racing have ever since I was a kid... I know change is necessary, but the way they implement it is abrupt and without taking into consideration the fans and owner drivers especially the older base fans. It's more of a dictatorship in my opinion.
Me too. Since my very first day, my one and only true love. Well, I love my dog too..........and my Mom, and........
As far as the "dictatorship part, so is the NFL, the NBA, NASCAR, you name it. I remember when boxing went from 15 to 12 rounds after Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini offed Doo Koo Kim. There was no internet, but you would still think the world was coming to an end.
There have been failures and successes but more of the latter of late but that's just my opinion.
You are probably right, at least that is the feeling I'm beginning to get.
I do like Jon's take on a lot of the current situations that exist in Drag Racing.
I agree with him about 1000' foot racing and do want to see 1320' again but only when a total agreement between owners, drivers and NHRA deem it so!
The sooner the better in my book!
So do I, and so do I.
But, I meant a 180 degree turn, not 360, that would mean they voted for it, before they voted against it, before they voted for it.