Honest Answers Please (2 Viewers)

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Your Thoughts on the Countdown

  • Yes its Exciting, and lets keep it.

    Votes: 32 16.8%
  • Its being FORCED FED down our throat by NHRA

    Votes: 70 36.8%
  • Give it back to NASCAR

    Votes: 88 46.3%

  • Total voters


Nitro Member
Jul 9, 2006
Somers NY
I'm going to post a quickie poll to really see how what we think about the "Countdown
I'm going to post a quickie poll to really see how what we think about the "Countdown

I like it. :eek: Just my opinion.

Ultimately, hey, maybe a tweak here or there.....

It's good for the sport :eek::eek:

Asbestos undies on and ready to hit the fire bottles............:)

Its as bad as any "reality" TV show. If the mainstream press was going gaga over this I'd be convinced, but they're not, so I'm not.

Whereas there has been some excitement generated where we wouldn't normally have had excitement in the past, it's fabricated excitement and often unwarranted.

Take the Tony Schumacher vs. "Hot" Rod Fuller first round match up in Dallas. A lot of pre-race hype about how it would impact the "chase." As Larry Dixon has stated a few times throughout the season - it doesn't matter who's #1 or who's #4, as long as you're in the Top 4... then you have to fight for #1. As it stands after that dramatic first round they're separated by a few measly points. And this week, if Vandergriff goes out 1st round there will be NO EXCITEMENT at all in Top Fuel @ Richmond. (P.S. I hope he does go rounds, I really like him. I'm merely attempting to show one of the holes in NHRA's new system.)

That said, given the trials and tribulations we've all endured this year, particularly in Funny Car... worrying and complaining about this new countdown formula doesn't seem nearly as important to me as it once did.
It appears to be effective in terms of generating multiple excitement peaks from a PR/marketing perspective. It may have some longer term benefit in terms of keeping tension and excitement high which will, properly directed, channel additional dollars and awareness into our sport.

However it conurrently ridicules and diminishes the season long struggle for our champion contenders. It remains to be seen how people not in the countdown are impacted by "not making the cut" in terms of their sponsor committments.

I think it is a huge risk and as such is the case with risky maneuvers the benefits could be great or they could be devastating.

In my opinion, it will likely take three years to have a reasonably accurate accounting of the ultimate impact of this very major change in competition.

I personally feel it is not a good thing in terms of the racers involved as it adds a much higher "luck factor" into the equation forcing defining races into smaller pieces here a short term success or failing could completely change an entire season. However "fans" may well prefer the new format.
It really sucks John. You saw my thread regarding Tony P. 5th to 1rst in one day. People have forgotten what a championship is supposed to be. You should have to earn it. Now, you just need to be lucky at the right time.

Maybe because we are racers our opinions are different from others. When I won ROY at E-Town I earned it. I'll quit for now but I could go on and on.

Should've made a 4th option so I could vote for both force fed and give it back to NASCRAP
It appears to be effective in terms of generating multiple excitement peaks from a PR/marketing perspective. It may have some longer term benefit in terms of keeping tension and excitement high which will, properly directed, channel additional dollars and awareness into our sport.

However it conurrently ridicules and diminishes the season long struggle for our champion contenders. It remains to be seen how people not in the countdown are impacted by "not making the cut" in terms of their sponsor committments.

I think it is a huge risk and as such is the case with risky maneuvers the benefits could be great or they could be devastating.

In my opinion, it will likely take three years to have a reasonably accurate accounting of the ultimate impact of this very major change in competition.

I personally feel it is not a good thing in terms of the racers involved as it adds a much higher "luck factor" into the equation forcing defining races into smaller pieces here a short term success or failing could completely change an entire season. However "fans" may well prefer the new format.

Excellent post Ted. Not good for the racer unless you happen to be lucky enough to move from 5th to 1st and come out smelling like a rose. The overall best car of the season may be packing up early and going home. That just doesn't seem right.
That said, given the trials and tribulations we've all endured this year, particularly in Funny Car... worrying and complaining about this new countdown formula doesn't seem nearly as important to me as it once did.

WINNER!!! Thanks Gordon!
Personally I like it. For one, it has already brought alot more coverage to the lesser teams that fought for the number 8 spot throughout the summer. In years past they would have never gotten that coverage.

I've said it before, in years past, especially in this decade, the Championships have all gone to the few teams with the most $$$, period. Gone are the days when a guy like Eddie Hill could come on the tour with a limited budget and win a title. The sport has swayed to Team Force, Team Shumacher, and Ken Black, etc., those that can throw the biggest checkbook at it. The Countdown has at least brought some of the excitement of competition back into it, instead of who can outspend their competitors.
...............As Larry Dixon has stated a few times throughout the season - it doesn't matter who's #1 or who's #4, as long as you're in the Top 4... then you have to fight for #1......
He may have second thoughts about that, as the difference in going in 1st or 4th is 30 very valuable points with only 2 races left.
I like it, but am with others that there ought to be one cutoff and then have the eight battle it out for the championship. the second cutoff adds nothing.
What's next, do away with the "Full Throttle Pit Crew Challenge" ??
What and where is the reward(s) for running consistently good all year ?!?
In the infamous words of Hot Rod Fuller....... "I EARNED my points, not INHERITED them !!!
"Countdown" is a crash-n-burn in my book........!!
i like it.
i also agree with ted h.; it's a risk/reward situation.
i believe it will help in the never ending task of attracting
new fans & sponsors.
we'll see
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