Nitro Member
Man that was bad.
The cones may have missed but there are plastic pieces within the cones, I wonder if that became shrapnel when they were hit and thats what got the tire?
It's scary how that chassis came apart. I wonder if Team Force does something different with theirs.
Glad its not worse then it is
I'm replaying on my HiDef DVR on my 50" HiDef LCD TV. (In other words......pretty clear picture)
I can clearly SEE shards and small pieces from the first block appearing to go under Johns car.
NOT the block, but definitely pieces that were in that foam block, the mirror perhaps?
At 300 mph that could easily take out a tire and precipitate the rest of the carnage.
If not that is one HELL of a coincidence.
During the the broadcast even Mike Dunn speculated that (not Paul Page