Frank Pedregon into the back of Scotty Cannon comes to mind?
Uyehara & Ron Correnti driving for Bill Dunlap- mid 80'sDave Uyehara crashed into the back of someone at Pomona in a very scary incident. That's when Dave earned the reputation of personally crash testing his own cars.
Here's the update-For the fellow left coasters - they just updated condition on no broken wrist, just dislocated. Came through surgury good. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Yeah, I noticed. And watching cars drive in a circle for 4 hours, is smart I guess.![]()
Man that was bad.
The cones may have missed but there are plastic pieces within the cones, I wonder if that became shrapnel when they were hit and thats what got the tire?
It's scary how that chassis came apart. I wonder if Team Force does something different with theirs.
Glad its not worse then it is
I know Force won the round, but how far ahead was he? It might be hard for any pieces of the timing equipment to get knocked 'forward' to go under Force's car.
From a cursory look at the tapes, it looks like two difference incidents [Bernstein hitting the cones and Forces car coming apart] that happened to occur at the same time.
It was eery watching the camera follow the front half of JF car into the sand trap, and then realize he wasn't "in" that part of the car.