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More Evan Knoll......

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The other big question in all of this is regarding the whereabouts of Latrell Preston. He was the CFO of Torco, right? Seems like he may have had an idea about what was going on.
Some of this speculation is pure fantasy (or nightmare, really). The IRS, nor any bankruptcy trustee, doesn't have the ability to look through transactions done on standard commercial terms.

That's not my experience. My company had a customer go bankrupt. We had been paid around $10k we were due a few months before they went bankrupt and they owed us around another $7k when they went belly up.

We figured it could have been worse, at least we got the $10k.

Then we started getting a series of nasty letters from the attorneys that had been appointed by the bankruptcy court. They were demanding we return the $10k, claiming that there were other creditors that deserved the funds more than we did and we were legally bound to return them.

I swallowed hard and pitched the letters in the circular file, this was a big company that went under and I figured they had bigger fish to fry than a $10k one and if we were lucky they would decide it wasn't worth their trouble just to chase down $10k.

Fortunately eventually the nasty letters stopped coming but I know that wouldn't have happened if the amount had been larger.

I believe the feds can go after all the Torco money if they want to, it will just come down to them deciding if its worth the effort.
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Possible, but that has not been published anywhere. He could have turned state's evidence, but again, there is no record of it. If he did, that is certainly a guy who knows where the proverbial bodies are buried.

Great post Mr. Lohnes.:cool: But you get zero MATER creds until you man up and address my Bangshift account. :eek:
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Hey R.G.. Still think he has not hurt anyone? You sure ripped me for saying he had hurt some of my friends.

Preferential transfers and antecedent debt under bankruptcy are entirely different rules than fraudulent conveyance. The bankruptcy rules do some draconian things to certain creditors paid within 90 days of bankruptcy filings.

Apples meet oranges. . . . naw, pro tree meet full tree!

Preferential transfers and antecedent debt under bankruptcy are entirely different rules than fraudulent conveyance. The bankruptcy rules do some draconian things to certain creditors paid within 90 days of bankruptcy filings.

Apples meet oranges. . . . naw, pro tree meet full tree!

Jeff, that's encouraging to hear, it would definitely suck a big one if the feds had a means and motivation to try to go after all this money.
As I recall, and correct me if I am wrong, didn't EK purchase outright the Slammers Pro Stock car so a reaction time guru could drive it? Thats not
a "handshake, no paperwork" sponsorship, it's ownership.
Also, a few years ago I saw a Fuel Funnycar advertised in National Dragster
for sale. The phone number belonged to the United States Treasury... :(

$100,000,000 gonna piss off a LOT of people, esp. in Michigan, which is hurting even more than the majority of the country...
That's not my experience. My company had a customer go bankrupt. We had been paid around $10k we were due a few months before they went bankrupt and they owed us around another $7k when they went belly up.

We figured it could have been worse, at least we got the $10k.

Then we started getting a series of nasty letters from the attorneys that had been appointed by the bankruptcy court. They were demanding we return the $10k, claiming that there were other creditors that deserved the funds more than we did and we were legally bound to return them.

I swallowed hard and pitched the letters in the circular file, this was a big company that went under and I figured they had bigger fish to fry than a $10k one and if we were lucky they would decide it wasn't worth their trouble just to chase down $10k.

Fortunately eventually the nasty letters stopped coming but I know that wouldn't have happened if the amount had been larger.

I believe the feds can go after all the Torco money if they want to, it will just come down to them deciding if its worth the effort.

Sometimes they just run a bluff. I had a building built by a metal building company that went bankrupt and didnt pay the overhead door company. They treatened to put a lein on my property. Seems they only had a small window to do it---my attorney said let them and we will own them. Later found out it was the collections guy for the door company running a bluff because he was about to get fired over letting the bankrupt builder get too far into them.
I find this thread very interesting.

A long, long time ago, just previous to when Nitromater became a pay-for-access site to eliminate the anonymous posting, I once posted under a nomdeplume on the politics board, starting a "What If" thread about what would happen if Evan Knoll (who at the time was seemingly even sponsoring janitorial staff at the track) were to pull out of drag racing--what would happen to race teams that were dependent on his dollars; as well as NHRA who had become dependent on his sponsoring of races.

Once again, at the time, Evan Knoll was a friend of many on this site. Or seemingly, he surely had his fanny kissed and polished as if it was the Keeling & Clayton top fueler after throwing BBQ's free of charge to all at the races almost as quickly as he posted barely decipherable posts that were seemingly wanting praise for his actions, as well as promoting the fact that he just bought a new G5 jet.

In fact, there is at least one person I know of here on this particular thread that attacked me for that question and has now magically "flipped" like a Super Bowl coin. He attacked me for my belief at that time that Evan Knoll was a fraud just like many con artists that have gotten involved in Drag Racing over the years--the Bill Chapman's; the Morrocco's, the Ted Combis', the John Consiogli (sp)(see JCIT) etc. and left a ton of unpaid parts bills in their wake. We've seen them come and go. Its a long list of people that would go to any length to feed the Drag Racing Monkey.

If someone knows how to get to the archives from around the 2004-2006 area, right before the Nitromater moderators and managers; Jim Jannard, etc, changed the site in an effort to lessen the anonymous posts (which was actually a good thing IMHO) you'll see the hypocrite(s) in action--how they felt then and how they feel today. One of them on this very thread. You know who you are. You should come clean.
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Ah yes Tommy. John Costanza (JCIT).
Many were wondering where or when the well would run dry, and many racers did benefit from his cash. None were against what he was doing because he helped so many racers. I was not against his help obviously, but I was a bit suspect, mostly because his background and who could he continue to support teams based on his fuel companies.
And you certainly can't knock the teams during that time as well. I would have taken his cash as well, nor can you blaim them for supporting him even in the year after, since no one knew for sure he was crooked.

In the end it certainly is one of the worst if not the worse sponsor to involve the sport.

Having Evan Knoll as a sponsor is kinda like having a "show pony" for a girl was fun while it lasted, and it gave you a lot of great memories to look back on. All the rest who critize the people who took the money or Evan Knoll are just jealous they didn't have a show pony on their arm. He helped a lot of teams during his heydays and everyone should just get over it and let it go. JMO
I want to make no mistake about this: I'm not criticizing anyone that was sponsored by Evan Knoll. Also, it would be wrong for the government to go after these people because there was no wrong-doing on their part. They legitimately were sponsored by Torco and other Knoll companies.

At the time, I more or less called NHRA out for not being more investigative of Knoll, and trust me, I did my own little investigation beyond the internet search engines that couldn't turn up any history of the company, past all of the here say of Knoll making his fortune from holding the well rights in the Gulf of Mexico (one rumor) to the one gas station in Michigan that also sold propane and mixed fuel blends that magically turned profits into Gulfstream jets.

All of this was at a time when Evan Knoll could do no wrong--and in the eyes of the many here, he was a friend to drag racing. Unfortunately, sociopaths need friends to justify their misdeeds in their mindset.

Profile of the Sociopath

• Glibness and Superficial Charm

• Grandiose Sense of Self

• Pathological Lying

• Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt

• Shallow Emotions

• Incapacity for Love

• Need for Stimulation

• Callousness/Lack of Empathy

• Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature

• Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency

• Irresponsibility/Unreliability

• Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity

• Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle

• Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
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Are you trying to say that you were smarter than everyone else and now you want to be recognized?
You weren't the only one calling out the perp at the time. Just search the subject and you'll see.

Let--it--go. He'll face the music soon enough..

Those with the "show pony" cash injections... It may not be over for them, especially in a situation like this.
Our Government, if it want's to prosecute, has an unlimited supply of cash, lawyers and patience to get what they want.
I certainly wouldn't want to be found connected to that guy...
Facing jail for 20+ years with absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain?
He may be pointing fingers everywhere, and telling anything they want to hear in an attempt to shorten his sentence..

Our Gov't has a way of connecting those dots "for" you, even if it has nothing to do with racing. If they want the money back, the many tentacles of government regulations will make it in your best interest to comply..
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