I will never again buy another part at Advance as long as their name is on a Pedregon car. And I would run Wesson oil before I'd put Quaker State in another vehicle.
overheard at Indy?
10 year old kid with John Force hat and shirt on: "Dad what just happened, the car just went to the right."
Dad: "Son, despite the fact that you've been looking forward to seeing John race for the first time in person, and we spent $300 to get here and tickets...well, John had to throw that race to let Robert Hight into the Countdown."
10 year old kid: "But why?, John intentionally lost? I thought he was a CHAMPION, I was looking forward to this all year."
Overheard at Major League Baseball game:
10-year-old boy wearing T-shirt and cap of (Choose one: Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriquez, Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire) "I hope (one of the above players) hits a home run today. They're my favorite player!"
Dad: "Well, (player) is a great hitter but a lot of the home runs he hit were helped along by the performance enhancing drugs he took."
10-year-old-boy: "You mean (player) was taking steroids so the ball would go farther when he hit it? But he's a big league player!"
Overheard at NFL football game:
10-year-old boy (wearing New York Giants T-shirt and cap): "I can't wait to see Plaxico Burress catch a touchdown pass today. He's a great wide receiver and my favorite player!
Dad: "Well, Plaxico won't be playing today. He was sent to prison for accidentally shooting himself with an unregistered handgun."
10-year-old boy: "He's a criminal? How can that be? He's a Super Bowl champion!
Overheard at NASCAR race:
10-year-old boy (wearing Jeremy Mayfield T-shirt and cap): "I hope Jeremy Mayfield wins the race today! He's my favorite driver!"
Dad: "Well, Jeremy won't be racing today and may not be back for a long time. He failed a random drug test and was suspended for substance abuse by NASCAR.
10-year-old boy: "Jeremy Mayfield was using drugs? How can that be? He's one of the best drivers out there!"
Explanation? Even our heroes are only human. We all are.
"Build a T/F dragster and put Franky Pedregon in it."
Thanks Bill for making my point ever more clear.
Yep, we must lump John Force into the same boat as Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, and countless others!!
He has failed us as well!!
Thanks Bill!
All this talk of "fine them" and suspentions....for what.?? Two guys had a shouting match - nothing more. Neither Tony or John put their hands on each other. The only contact was the officials in the black & white shirt & the guy in the red shirt that kept grabing John and draging him away. FINE THEM
As far as dives go, get over it, like it or not gang we have a TEAM sport. Baseball does it - football does it. No big deal.
We had a great race, good preformance, for several days - it's a shame to put all the focus on a 70 second argument.
Thanks Bill for making my point ever more clear.
Yep, we must lump John Force into the same boat as Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, and countless others!!
He has failed us as well!!
Thanks Bill!
Bobby brings up an couple of interesting questions I have.Steve, are you willing to admit all the others who have done it over the years and say the same about them or is this simply an opportunistic jab at Force? Let's be honest with ourselves. This isn't the first dive, first arguement, first NHRA rule questioned and/or first team to be involved.
Calling someone a cripple in this age is kind of insensitive and offensive and inflammatory, in my opinion.
I don't know. For me, I'd like to hear from someone who witnessed that statement besides Force.
All this talk of "fine them" and suspentions....for what.?? Two guys had a shouting match - nothing more. Neither Tony or John put their hands on each other. The only contact was the officials in the black & white shirt & the guy in the red shirt that kept grabing John and draging him away. FINE THEM
As far as dives go, get over it, like it or not gang we have a TEAM sport. Baseball does it - football does it. No big deal.
We had a great race, good preformance, for several days - it's a shame to put all the focus on a 70 second argument.