I'm with you
100%.. but as you say (above) Gary wouldn't take a "Dive"... ok let me play the devils advocate...
If the Owner/Boss told Gary (or any other driver) to "Be a little LATE" on the tree, and "blip the throttle" to prevent tire shake...

(you get my point)
And either Gary or the driver who was driving said to the boss
"No I'm not gonna Dive"
Well now the owner has to either fire him on the spot.. or talk to the crew chief.. and make sure "THAT" car (no matter who is driving it) will have a
Very Short Fuse... maybe forget to torque the head bolts, and blow it up at the 330' costing the "Boss" $50,000 for a new motor.. or just put too much clutch in it, (but as we now know NHRA looked at the tune up on John F car) and they (NHRA) said the tune up looked ok... so there is No Argument there.... and as for John picking the Right lane.. well he explained it.. his daughter had just won in that lane, & he had to peddle it in the Left lane earlier in the day...
Another thought... do you remember when one of Kenny Bernstein's crew
Forgot To Put Oil In His TF Car and they had to shut it down on the line.....

S**T happens, but if a race is going to be decided in the pits, the team owner can make it happen either with or without the drivers consent... IMHO ...
You thoughts..... ??