Fantasy Football League (2 Viewers)


Nitro Member
Well its early, but its that time of year again. I have ran several leagues the last few years and again I have been asked to do a free one again also. So if anyone wants to play, its Justin's Football League on Yahoo. ID# 112267 and the password is: cowboys.

Hope some of yall can play. I know PJ and Naz played last year. I cant remember if anyone else did or not from here.
........hey Justing I'm in, but how do we go about drafting players with everyone spread across the country :eek:
........hey Justing I'm in, but how do we go about drafting players with everyone spread across the country :eek:

Hey Steve, we have an auto draft. What happens is you have to go into your team and rank the players in the order you would wish to have them. Once everyone has there rankings done the computer will automaticallly pick the order that teams get to pick in. Then the computer goes to the teams rankings who gets first pick and takes there highest ranked player, then to the 2nd team, then 3rd, etc.

So say you ranked Peyton Manning as #1 and you had the first pick. Then you would get him. Say I had the second pick and I also had Peyton ranked #1 and Tom Brady ranked #2 then the computer would pick Brady for me b/c Manning was already gone. So it automatically picks your highest ranked player left on your draft board who is available.

If you have any other questions, just ask. We had a good league last year.
its June and I'm already in getting into a league. This could be trouble. I've tried to cut it down to only 4 fantasy football teams the last few seasons. As it is I end up rooting for and against myself with so many teams :)

I think I may be addicted, is there such as as fantasy football anonymous???
its June and I'm already in getting into a league. This could be trouble. I've tried to cut it down to only 4 fantasy football teams the last few seasons. As it is I end up rooting for and against myself with so many teams :)

I think I may be addicted, is there such as as fantasy football anonymous???

I hear you PJ. I am just as bad. Last year I did 4 and thats the smallest amount of them I have ever done and I am going to try and stick to 4 again this year but who knows. 3 money ones and a free one but I know that if someone else does a free one, then I will probably play it as well just for kicks.
.......Hey Justin, how many players do we pick for each position, and thank you for your easy to understand explanation :cool:
I'm in if that's cool. This will be my 2nd one, and that's it for this football season. I limited to one baseball league this year.

The one that really frosts my buddies is the NASCRAP league......I won in 2004 and 2006...and I don't even watch much of it!!!!:D
NO problem Alan, welcome and just remember the only rule is the week you play me you have to sit your team on the bench!!!
alan the nice thing is you'll still be even to beat him then :D

Man I love Fantasy Football, we are still months away from the first NFL game of the year and yet I'm already getting smack talked! Its ok PJ, maybe I will institute a chase system that way you might actually make the playoffs.
Man I love Fantasy Football, we are still months away from the first NFL game of the year and yet I'm already getting smack talked! Its ok PJ, maybe I will institute a chase system that way you might actually make the playoffs.

dem there are fightin words:mad: lol
Hey guys and gals who are playing. I made 2 changes today.

1. I changed the amount of teams from 20 max to 12 max. That way everyone's team is made up of better players since they arent spread about a whole bunch of teams.

2. I changed the trade review days from 2 to 1 that way incase you make a trade mid week your new player will be able to make that weeks roster.

Right now we have 11 teams. So if anyone out there wants to join you still can. Spot for one more.
For those of you playing, be sure to set your teams picking order b/c our draft is next Wednesday Aug 31st.

Also for any Houston area fantasy geeks like me who take it seriously, there is a Fantasy Football Convention this Sunday from noon to 3 if your interested. I went last year and had a blast and they give you cheat sheets and rundowns of every player in the NFL and stuff plus they give away tickets and free stuff. Also a couple football players always show up and this year for sure Andre Ware the 89 Heisman will be there plus some more. I know last year Bruce Matthews and Ray Childress showed up. Just pm me and I will get you the info.
Also, we have a Fantasy College Pickem game by pointspread in the COllege Football Thread if yall are interested also.
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