The local guys were cool, Prince Valiant, a black station wagon, the big block powered vw, the snail a shoe box nova with a six cyl, and Jack Burns in his Anglia panel with a small block in it.Dan
Talk with Rick a few months ago and yep still has the car.
Valiiant wagon was Dick Wison and Roger Lang
Big Block power VW was Sammy Boyd
The Snail Nova was Tom Valclacvick(sp) became a dragster later on.
What ever happened to Carl Smith? (no, I'm not related to him either)
Carl spent some time cooling his heals with free room and board after a run in with the DEA. When he got out in 1986 he needed some money so I bought his black Chaparral trailer from him that he had parked next to Ken Cox shop (former George Cambra trailer used by Dale Armstrong and Tom Ridings when they ran the "SPEED RACER F/C).
Carl died of an apparent heart attack a few years ago. A/FD racer Gary Anderson has the black Chaparral for sale now.