Nitro Member
We need to get back to the origianl question.. Does Firebird have to go??? I say YES!! The NRHA nor anyon elsee for that matter does not want another season of Losing a Driver. It's BAD enough that an innocent Spectator just lost her life!! When you have 2 Pro Stock Crashes, Supe Comp Dragsters having Issues with a Lane it's time to-re-locate. I was in Columbus,OH the year the 2 Pro Stock Cars Crashed-during eliminations. Well NHRA nor longer has an national event in Columbus. I think NHRA needs to "Put the Smackdown" on Firebird Raceway-given them an ultimatium and DEMAND that they track get FIXED ASAP!! Or don't have a National Event there in 2011. I can distinctly remeber back in the early 80's when the Nitor Funny Cars actually Boy-Cotted the then NHRA Cajun Nationals in Baton Rouge, LA over Prize Money$$!! I can GURANTEE you all the Pro Stock Class WILL NOT go back to Firebird in 2011 if the track is not repaired!!!! Just my 2 Cents....