Nitro Member
Here's a link to some of the cars that ran there back in the day.
Orange County International Raceway, Circa 1970. album | Drew Hierwarter | Fotki.com
Those are the cars that ran OCIR once in a while. How about the guys that ran EVERY weekend like me and Mike English? I was talking to Rick Schute (Auto Imagery) about the days of Drag Scoop Magazine, Johnnie's Speed and Chrome located under the grand stands and other memories of OCIR, like it was a track that had actual permanent rest rooms.
Everyone remembers the Last Drag Race at OCIR with the funny cars and all, but only the OCIR diehards remember that the following Saturday was the real "Last Drag Race." There were so many race cars there that the line just for bracket one, when called to the staging lanes, went all the way back to the Eucalyptus trees on the return road beyond the time slip booth/water hole. The finals for all brackets finally went off at almost 4:00 in the morning on Sunday...and then it was really all over.

I have a shoe box crammed full of my time slips with personal notes on them from the girls in the tower. As they wrote the slips they would wish you good luck, tell you what a great run you made or draw a smiley face or sad face on them depending on how you did. Some day I'll get million$ for them on eBay. LOL.