......Since we're selling racing, and not crackers, let's start with the cars. The racing is what is important to these types of fans. They will return if the racing is there, and they will be interested in the people involved. This is how you grow a sport. You make the sport #1. The human interest stories come with it, but it will never be the reason a sport survives. If you make the people the stars, you will fall prey to that crowd, as they move on to whatever is next in the popular watercooler circle........
So you admit YOU are the problem!Sorry guys (and gals)...
Just miss the drag racing I fell in love with. I'll be better, I'll try harder...
I guess we disagree. There's people that follow people, and people that follow racing. Cars attract the racing crowd. People that like the cars, will always like the people involved with them. People that follow people, will always like the people, and never really care what type of cracker you spread it on.
Since we're selling racing, and not crackers, let's start with the cars. The racing is what is important to these types of fans. They will return if the racing is there, and they will be interested in the people involved. This is how you grow a sport. You make the sport #1. The human interest stories come with it, but it will never be the reason a sport survives. If you make the people the stars, you will fall prey to that crowd, as they move on to whatever is next in the popular watercooler circle.
If everyone who "gets it" would bring just one newbie to each event, I think the sport would grow. Some of the newbies would come back on their own and bring new newbies. / / You never know how you can change someone's life. Thank you Kevin!
there is simply no other motorsport that can boast of machines as awe-inspiring as a TF or FC; and nothing that piques my technological interest like PS, Comp Eliminator, Super Stock and even Stock. Yeah, that’s the mechanical engineer in me and I get it that not everyone is involved purely for the technology. Some like the pretty cars, others the competition, and others may define “performance” in a theatric sense. But it is still centered on cars and racing.
My ideas probably won't be very popular but here goes. First forget about the salaries. They are in fact low for the size of the operation and they are like a pimple on an elephants rear end. Second reduce the number of national events to 12-14. Each event would be 2 days with 3 qualifying rounds on friday day/night and one qualifying saturday am with eliminations starting at 1:00. Promote each event with advertising that covers 300 miles in every direction starting 2 weeks in advance. Use your race sponsor to help with promotions and require eace pro car to make x number of area personal appearances each year to help promote the races. Limit entries at national events to pro, alcohol funny, alcohol dragster top sportsman, top dragster and factory super stock. Only run on tracks that can support 1320 foot races or reduce all races to 1000 foot for the tracks that can't support 1/4 mile runs. If you advertise on radio/tv and print you'll be surprised at the media coverage you'll get in return..perhaps not right off but the next year you can go to the media and tell them you want to spend $$$ on advertising but how disapointed you were last year when you spent $$ and didn't get any coverage of the race results. They will get the message. And finally broadcast the races one week later, they don't have many viewers anyway and you can do qualifying and eliminations in 2 or 2 1/2 hour show.
nhra drag racing is just as much about the stars as it is the cars, and the sport used to have many more stars,
that arguably drew the fans who paid the price to see the stars and the cars.
if you say it's just about the cars, then name one other entertainment that fans attend because of
just the entertainment vehicle
do fans go to nascar without knowing names? favorites?
do fans go to concerts because it's going to 'country' but they don't know the artist playing?
do fans go to stick and ball sports without knowing the players?
does nbc broadcast the olympics for 2 weeks and not concentrate on specific athletes?
the nitro, the shaking bleachers, the burnouts, the throttle wacks: that is our rock-n-roll music.
(IMO not as rock-n-roll as it used to be)
is the quality of our music really good, or is it just ok?
and who's our singers?....is john force singing all our songs?....that's too bad, his voice
will wear out sooner or later, then who?....and most folks don't have a clue he's had 16 #1 hits!
nhra: so who mr. casual motorsports fan plays our rock-n-roll?....
fan: don garlits.....(pause)......the snake.....(pause)..... shirley muldowney!
nhra: rite, but they haven't raced for many years
fan: really?
nhra: anyone else?
fan: ummm, ffff force i think is the name, john force rite?
nhra: rite, he has our sport on his back, but i digress, anyone else?
fan: ummmm.....nope, can't think of anyone
nhra: do you come to our event that stops once a year just 60 miles from you?
fan: many years ago i did, but i don't really follow nhra anymore
nhra: are you going to any auto races this year?
fan: YEAH!, i'm flying to florida to the daytona 500 with my buddies, i can't wait!
who are our players?....nobody knows
antron wins the whole deal as a minority racer; nobody noticed, nobody knows who antron is.
the daytona 500 winner goes on the talk show circuit for a week.
if you're not doing social media today and you're in entertainment, you're missing the boat.
hire the best people to run your social media marketing and try to study
your results/traffic....these days it's part of brand building and peaking interest in your product
develop the public's interest in specific drivers and they will pay attention.
i see this happening with ron capps via social media.
and make sure the music you're playing is really good.
Separate PRO competition from the sportsman competition. Sportsman racing would be what it is... racing. If fans want to shop up, so be it. Everything revolves around the racers. Ticket prices should be set based on what each track needs to provide the facilities and employees for the event. The NHRA gets a small cut to pay for organizing a national circuit. Sportsman competition would be the NHRA of old, providing motor heads with a safe facility to follow their hobby and test their skills against the best.
Stop kidding ourselves... PRO racing isn't racing, it hasn't been since the 20th century in my opinion. PRO racing is an advertising opportunity for sponsors. it is MONEY driven, it is a profit machine. It should be built that way. It should be geared towards the fans. What do the fans want? The fans want the noise (100% nitro mandatory), they want dry hops (mandatory), they want throttle whacks (mandatory), they want trash talking (don't penalize someone who starts a fight in the shutdown), they want drama, they want they want jet cars, they want wheelie cars. None of these things improve the quality of the race, but this isn't about racing, remember? This is about entertainment, fans, sponsors, and MONEY. Sure they are drag racing, but that's only a component, a side effect of providing the entertainment this event should be about. Nitro cars run on money, you want to make a profit from running a nitro car, you don't win races, you win sponsors... you get sponsors by getting fans... in this venue - you get fans by putting on the best show.
You want racing? Go to that sportsman race. You want a show? Go to the PRO race.
This might offend some pro teams. This might offend some pro drivers. Here's whatcha do then... you pro teams and drivers who want to continue and claim that NHRA PRO racing is really racing... you go start your own deal... and you inherit all the problems plaguing the current NHRA. What will happen (or is happening) is your costs to put on a "race" will be so high that your livelihood will teeter on where you can get cash from... you will become hopelessly dependent on sponsor money. At that point it will become (or has become) whoever has the most money will tend to win the most races. At that point it will be (or is) no longer racing because its no longer a fair playing field. Then you'll continue down that path until the fans get bored and leave, when the fans run leave the sponsors leave, when the sponsors leave the money goes with it. With no more money nobody can race anymore cause no independent person (besides maybe the Sheik) has enough money to run a car. Game over.
One last edit. I think monster trucks around 1993 or so were at a crossroads. A group wanted to legitimize monster truck racing, make it about racing. Another group wanted to turn it into an entertainment show.
Specifically, a guy by the name of Everett Jasmer wanted to make it legit racing. Anyone hear of Everett? He owns USA-1.. his shop is up the road from where I work. I stopped in one day and talked with him. He was EXTREMELY passionate about the fact that he wanted monster truck racing to be legit. He still feels this way and feels he made the right decision. I drive by his shop a couple times a week, and its him, by himself in his shop surround by his USA1 merchandise and truck.
On the other hand, a guy named Dennis Anderson had a choice to make. Sure he was passionate about the racing, but Dennis knew there was no future in legitimate monster truck racing. You ever hear of Dennis Anderson?
USHRA, the sanctioning body... they chose the entertainment route and created Monster Jam. Everett chose to leave USHRA, Dennis went along with Monster Jam.
I ask for suggestions on how NHRA could improve the product, and I'm hearing the same tired, recycled Whining! I think some of you are just flat out burned out on Drag racing but won't admit it. So you come up with reasons why you quit going, I can certainly understand someone saying 30 years of this sport was enough...
Simple... I don't have $1000 to travel out of town, pay for meals, hotel, gas, tickets, and any of the other B/S that goes with basicly a five day road trip... plus Kat isn't going to spend 3 days at a drag race... heck I'm not sure I can handle twelve to fifteen hours at the track a day anymore... and any less time would be kissin' away money...I ask for suggestions on how NHRA could improve the product, and I'm hearing the same tired, recycled Whining! I think some of you are just flat out burned out on Drag racing but won't admit it. So you come up with reasons why you quit going, I can certainly understand someone saying 30 years of this sport was enough...
You can not make the sport number one if the title sponsor has limited the sponsorship of teams by keeping said title sponsors competition out of the series.
NHRA used to be strong because everyone could have a dog in the show. Not so since Coke company took over as the title , using the "sport drink" logo's.
That sports fans limits the growth of the sport, Not the multi car teams, if it wasn't for multi car teams there would be no fuel car show at all.