Actually, when you distill internet posts down to their truest essence, this is probably the best advice that has been given on this board/in this thread. If you wouldn't say it, don't type it!
This is indeed good advice and I personally intend to do a better job of adhering to it. There's only one problem with it though, Chris - no matter the circumstance, you will always - always - have a small (but vocal) group of internet snipers who hate flowers, fresh air and little kids. Makes 'em feel tough by being able to talk smack to a high-profile individual, something they could never get away with in person. You cannot prevent this from happening. You can, however, effectively deal with it. And mods must remember, even respected members 'lose it' on occasion, or maybe they've just had a bad day. They too must be dealt with, but again, case by case.
Some rough-and-tumble is permissible and even desirable. If we were all on the same page on every single subject, this place would soon die out, the result of everyone being bored to tears. And it can be easily and effectively controlled by simply using COMMON SENSE.
You wouldn't walk up and yell at a stranger over some rumor you don't do it here, either. This may be cyberspace, but words typed here have equal effect on those reading them. Be respectful, and be careful. There's an old saying - speak (or type) words in good taste, because one day you may be forced to eat them.
Alan Barrett, thanks for the flowers, my friend.

I tried my level best to share feelings and experience with others here on this site, and not for any personal gain. If one person reads those words and benefits from them, then the effort was worth it. And from me to others here, thank YOU for your input and thoughts. I'd like to think I'm a better person, too, as a result.
Most everyone here is in agreement with how we need to keep the house in order, so now that we've established the parameters, let's get the show on the road. How about it, moderators? You asked, we told; what say you?