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What Do You Expect from the Mater?

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I suppose what I, as a fan, manufacturer, and buisness owner would expect from the 'Mater, is this.

Show some respect, what may be a really good bench racing conversation, may not be something one would or maybe should put on the internet, sometimes, threads take a really ugly turn, and it seems as tough we are watching a conversation unfold in a shop or garage, great banter in the garage, but not where it can hurt people, or buisnesses.

My own opinion, I keep to myself most of the time, but in reference to some of what I've seen here, whether it was the Torco, LendAmerica, JFR, (who I worked for), or DSR situations, nobody has come on here and asked for my opinion on what has transpired in their pit, biz, or personal life, when they do, I think they would still want me to be respectful.

Until one has had the opportunity and responsibility of hiring and firing people and running a biz, one does not know the gut wrenching decisions that have to be made.

And then to see a whole groUp of folks second guessing, throwing accusations and treating rumor and innuendo as fact, I would think it could really "take the wind outta yer sails".

As I teach my kids, "Remember, when you think no one is watching, some one is watching", there are some very powerful folks who pop in here, what do we want them to see?

Keep it respectful, and we all win.

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I hope Don hangs around here as I still want him to finish the thread I started ages ago regarding his racing history.

What do I want for the mater well im nobody just a drag racing fan I just like to come on here to keep updated with whats going on and learn stuff I didn't know before. As for that locked thread now as Don said respect goes a long way as well as stating truth I tried to bring truth into the thread but not knowing all the facts I decided to back out and I refused to and still would never bad mouth Don I mean I have never met the guy it would not be proper of me, especially since he has been nice to me on here in the past would be like stabing a mate in the back. Thats the last I will say on that subject.

I like it here this place is great but now and then you get threads that go like that it happens some people are just really loyal to who they support.
If you want to talk to Don, just walk up to him at a race and talk to him. He's approachable, I've talked to him several times. In the staging lanes, in our pit, etc.

You don't have to talk to him very long to figure out he's a business man, in fact he'll even give you business advice if you ask him. Anyone that has entered into a business arrangement, or has gone to work for him, knows this right up front, he doesn't hide it. I have not heard anyone complain about working for him, and he has had some of the most outspoken people in the industry work for him.

He is the same in person as what you see on TV. I don't hang out with Don on the weekends, as a matter of fact he probably doesn't know who I am ( I'm one of Don Lampus' crew that asked you to make us the second Army car when we lost our sponsor, Don's response, "Show me how it makes sense and I'll do it".)

I don't expect everyone to like him, but if you've met him I would be surprised if you didn't like him. I'm just amazed that people will blast his organization the way they do, but that's just my take on it.
The Capps thread is just a bunch of s**t from someone that wants to hurt people.

No sir, it wasn't.....

It was started by a member who asked a benign question, "what is the truth". In retrospect, perhaps the thread should have never been started or deleted after the first post, but the poster meant no harm. Admittedly, three posts down there was an insult. Had I been a moderator that post would have been gone and I would have chided the one who put it up, VIA a PM.

I personally knocked the rumor to its knees in post #9, and in post 10 Darr Hawthorne knocked it right on its ass. That right there should have been the end of it, but it wasn't. Unfortunately there were two more uncalled-for insults along the line, but the rest was OP/ED discussion with quite a few accolades on your behalf included. I really wish you would return to that thread and read my followup letter, post 36. No need in repeating it all here.

I'll go on record with this statement, and then I'm going to talk about what I think needs to take place on these boards. I'll no longer criticize Don Schumacher or any other racer, member or guest, unless I have reasonable and prudent information to back up what I'm saying. If I feel the need to further discuss a pressing issue or problem, I have no reservations whatsoever bringing the matter to God himself. However we've all spoken out of line and out of turn, myself included, and for those times I am truly humbled. Respect is due the seasoned champion or the 1-post newbie. We can do better; we should do better.

I've served as co-administrator, 'super' moderator and just plain 'ol moderator on at least half a dozen sites, one of them for 7+ years on a site considerably larger than this one. The subject matter is different but people are people whether you're discussing sex, drag racing, computer technology or jihad. The same reactions occur; the same discipline works, or fails. Only the names are different.

Speaking of names, requiring real ones at Mater is nice, but not for the reasons you're thinking. That requirement won't even break the stride of a genuine troll, or $hit-stirrer, if you will, so if Mater is thinking it weeds out these troublemakers, think again. What's nice about it is that it lends credibility to the person behind the type. So, keep the names. I'd much rather know I'm talking to Ron Capps than "NAPAKnowHowMan" or some other BS handle.

In RE creating a separate forum for racers only: Fahgedaboudit. Been there; it doesn't work. Racers don't need it, for starters, and they won't stay in there anyway. One forum I moderated dealt with a hobby that required extensive knowledge of computer programming. We tried just that, creating a 'home' just for the programmers. What a farce. They'd all come right back into the main forum, to either impress the common folk with their skills, chew on someone's butt for leaking a rumor, or just pal around with their old friends. Not unlike NitroMater. :D I'm telling you, it's a waste of time.

In RE violations: Setting rules and parameters, other than a general 'NO BASHING OR FLAMING' statement, is futile. We've tried green-dot merit/demerit systems, 1-2-3 and you're outta here, 1 day, then 3 days, then a week, then a month, then permanent bans...WAY too much trouble to keep up with; moderators get PM'd to death with clemency requests and it just never quits. There is one way to do it, and the responsibility falls squarely on the mods at this site. You take it on a case-by-case basis.

You must be consistent and not play favorites. I've tossed airline pilots, corporate CEO's and even a prominent rap artist right under the bus. I don't care, and you can't care, either. Everyone is treated individually, equally and with a heavy dose of common sense. I could expand on this for miles and miles, but you get the idea.

I allowed constructive, substantiated criticism on my sites in all cases. There is a vast difference between critique and flame. I digress to the Capps thread. "Don Schumacher is 100% business when it comes to winning races and championships" is substantiated critique. "Don Schumacher hates Cory Mac" is not. What to do about it? Report the post, if you're a member. That's part of a mod's job, to rely on information given by other members. But, remember, case-by-case. Mods have several options. Edit the offensive text and forget it. Delete the entire post and send the poster an explanation....or send him/her a warning, if it's really bad or it's a repeat offense. Mods can close up the thread, or just delete it all. If a particular post is severe enough in nature to warrant a ban - then ban. There should be a provision in the VBulletin (or whatever) software to put "banned" under a members' name as a reminder to the next jackass that figures he/she knows more than the rest of us.

Remember something. This site isn't governed by the First Amendment. It is not a democracy; it's a friendly dictatorship. Those who run it have every right to censor whomever, for whatever. And a certain degree of skin thickness is required in one of these places, whether you're the target or the shooter. No one is God, except God, and he ain't registered as far as I know.

Running it right up the middle is always the best way. NitroMater will survive - and prosper - if its' members are allowed to air their laundry, speak their mind, not be afraid of intimidation or slander and knowing there is a system in place that will keep the site that way. Respect is a two way street. You can and you must govern - at the same time you cannot smother and stifle.

It's not easy being a moderator. Despite your best efforts, dustups will always be part and parcel of a large internet discussion forum. But it can be controlled and it can be a source of pleasure and learning if it's handled properly. And with that, I think I'm through for a while. ;)
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Get this place out of toilet, people. Even though it's a small number of people, it reflects badly on the site and should not happen at all. The Mods can and will ban you if you are a repeat problem.

Don S. is about the only "big guy" to post here these days. Get off his butt so he will continue to be a part of this "community". I think his responses to threads that are positive and enlightening are pretty darn cool. All the rest of the "big guys" are long gone. They may lurk here but don't post.

Sponsors or potential sponsors will come here to check out who they are trying to market. If the see certain people going after a Don Schumacher type guy, what would stop them from investing their marketing money elsewhere?

Come on! Get a life. Don S. owes this site nothing and should be respected and treated with the dignity he deserves.
I would think if anyone that has ever quit, retired or gotten fired from DSR, really felt they were wronged in a horrible way, we'd have heard about it by now. I mean seriously. All the people that have come and gone from that organization, and I don't really recall anyone coming out and saying what a jerk and terrible guy Don is to work for. Did I miss someone saying anything negative about their experience with DSR? I gotta believe if it was that bad, somebody would have had the balls to speak out by now. Or maybe they are that afraid of "The Don"! :D (Relax, it's a joke!)

I sure haven't heard of anyone that's been afraid to go to work for Don either.
Being brand-spanking new on NitroMater, and a renewed fan of NHRA perhaps I can bring a different perspective.(or maybe not)

One thing I have always felt the NHRA has going for it is the incredible access we get as a fan to the drivers/mechanics/owners etc. Being at Pomona a few weeks ago the biggest difference I recognized between 20 years ago and now is the incredible information at our finger tips on the internet. I could get totally caught up in the news of the sport and understand the teams, drivers and competition before my trip. Had live timing and scoring on my phone! Totally cool!

Taking that one step further, what a huge privilege to actually have a chance to communicate with some of the participants in the sport for only $1! Although I don't understand certain things in the sport, at least now I can have a chance to hear from the people involved. I may not agree but at least I can get informed.

I would say everyone has to take a big chill pill ;) and realize what a great chance to influence the sport we have as a fan. I've been on the internet since before there was a WWW. The "crap" you are experiencing is nothing new. I would encourage everyone to put themselves in the other person's position before commenting, and remember the word assume stands for make an ass out of u and me.

I posted my "off the top of the head" comments about Pomona here and at To think some of the people involved in the sport actually ready my opinion is fantastic and exciting.

The only thing I would disagree with on Don's post is that the fans are the foundation of the sport. Without the fans, you don't have sponsors. Nit-picking I realize, but I think too many people involved in all forms of sport forget they are in the entertainment business. (Not Don specifically.)

I'm amazed at the dollars, time, and effort spent on going A to B, and I would never criticize someone who is doing a heck of a lot more than I am in the sport. The only way for us to have a say is to really vote with our dollars. (For example, I gave up my hockey tickets this year as I was fed-up with the management of my home town team.)

Looking at Jenn's list from earlier in this thread:

Pros vs sportsman - Love them both.
Tech junkies vs don't care - love both sides of the sport.
nitro vs aspirated - love them both again :D
Nostalgia vs current - love them both again :D
DSR vs JFR. Let them scrap it out! Awesome entertainment!
safety nazis vs we've done it this way this long. I think a happy medium can be achieved.
NHRA sucks vs NHRA is great - they are both. :D
Sponsorship is God's gift to racing vs I miss the old days when they did it for love not money... How about you go make a million or two and blow it in the sport. What did you expect?

As for nitromater, I think everyone should realize it is a privilege, not a birth right to post here. Think of this as being in someone's restaurant, you can be asked to leave, don't like it, eat somewhere else or better yet, start your own.

Just my 2 cents.
How about using this site to learn more about the sport for the better of the sport, and lose the "Keyboard Crewchief" crap.... If you don't know what you are talking about, don't post it......just my 2 cents worth;);)
To me it ain't broke, so don't try to fix it.
As far as having a "RAW" section. Please don't. That would just encourage more of what you're trying to avoid. There are plenty of sites that have raw sections, let those folks stay there.
Put yourself in my skin, never mind that will never happan.

There were 3 threads that I felt were negative and made me feel terrible and I am sorry but they hurt. I work hard at creating the operation I have and I am a very proud person. I take responsibility when I feel I should because the s**t lands on my desk last but to have so many comments that are lies and attempts to hurt DSR is wrong. They not only hurt DSR, they hurt the sponsors that are the foundation of NHRA. Why does it feel like I did something wrong because I decided to let Cory go. Everybody can guess why I did that but it is only my business and mine alone. leave Fram and Honeywell out of this. We are all NHRA fans and we are blessed that they are involved in the sport we love. The comments can and will hurt all sponsors that read these threads, some owners and President's of sponsors come here and read this stuff, think about that when you put things on here.

Job security at DSR, what a bunch of painful BS comments. Like I said DSR has over 100 employees and I am proud of everyone of them. Ace retired and that is all any of you need to know. Medlen is working at DSR everyday and he is a very special man. Ronnie went to AJ to learn more, just like some other people did that have since departed there.

The Capps thread is just a bunch of s**t from someone that wants to hurt people.

Am I upset, yes I am, like I said I am a proud person that has feelings and I put a lot of my heart in this business but I also realize I created this monster DSR and I am the one that decided to put myself out here.

Like the Cory and Ace situation, I accept responsibility in full.

I expect the Matter to be what it is and there are no reasons to try to protect any of us anymore then you already do but I do expect people to respect other people and try to put truth out there rather then just BS.

Don, everytime somebody like you who is the subject of threads here posts to answer some of the speculation, the speculation stops cold! But for some reason people like you and others rarely post here, thus the speculation however off base it is goes on!
This place and many others took their first crap when National Dragster did an article several years ago on internet message boards and where the racers hang out. Within a few days the memberships went through the roof. Then the bashing and trashing started and one by one the participating racers left. The beating guys like Bazemore, Angelle and others took on this message board was a reality check and heads up to the rest of the racers to stay off the message boards. And there you have it.

Don Schumacher has thick enough skin to come one here and tell it like it is. I'd would bet that many of his compadres are asking him why he bothers to respond to the crap here. The active members of this board don't even represent .005% of the race fans, but yet the junk and garbage thrown around here shows up on Google searches where potential sponsors might land to read it.

Hey Don. Back when your kid drove an alcohol car you guys hooked me up with a battery charger. I never figured I'd need that six volt side of it until last week when I finished restoring my '54 Corvette. Worked great, which allowed me to charge my battery and drive it to John Force's Holiday Car Show today. Hopefully this positive post (no pun intended) shows up on a Google search when someone is looking at the internet to see who makes the best 6 volt charger.

And there you have it, once again.

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To me it ain't broke, so don't try to fix it.
As far as having a "RAW" section. Please don't. That would just encourage more of what you're trying to avoid. There are plenty of sites that have raw sections, let those folks stay there.

Paul, after re-reading my post, I'm going to agree with you, post has been edited, there are other sites for raw stuff.

This has got to be the best post, all-time, bar none! People- take the time to read it (several times) and learn from it!
No sir, it wasn't.....

It was started by a member who asked a benign question, "what is the truth". In retrospect, perhaps the thread should have never been started or deleted after the first post, but the poster meant no harm. Admittedly, three posts down there was an insult. Had I been a moderator that post would have been gone and I would have chided the one who put it up, VIA a PM.

I personally knocked the rumor to its knees in post #9, and in post 10 Darr Hawthorne knocked it right on its ass. That right there should have been the end of it, but it wasn't. Unfortunately there were two more uncalled-for insults along the line, but the rest was OP/ED discussion with quite a few accolades on your behalf included. I really wish you would return to that thread and read my followup letter, post 36. No need in repeating it all here.

I'll go on record with this statement, and then I'm going to talk about what I think needs to take place on these boards. I'll no longer criticize Don Schumacher or any other racer, member or guest, unless I have reasonable and prudent information to back up what I'm saying. If I feel the need to further discuss a pressing issue or problem, I have no reservations whatsoever bringing the matter to God himself. However we've all spoken out of line and out of turn, myself included, and for those times I am truly humbled. Respect is due the seasoned champion or the 1-post newbie. We can do better; we should do better.

I've served as co-administrator, 'super' moderator and just plain 'ol moderator on at least half a dozen sites, one of them for 7+ years on a site considerably larger than this one. The subject matter is different but people are people whether you're discussing sex, drag racing, computer technology or jihad. The same reactions occur; the same discipline works, or fails. Only the names are different.

Speaking of names, requiring real ones at Mater is nice, but not for the reasons you're thinking. That requirement won't even break the stride of a genuine troll, or $hit-stirrer, if you will, so if Mater is thinking it weeds out these troublemakers, think again. What's nice about it is that it lends credibility to the person behind the type. So, keep the names. I'd much rather know I'm talking to Ron Capps than "NAPAKnowHowMan" or some other BS handle.

In RE creating a separate forum for racers only: Fahgedaboudit. Been there; it doesn't work. Racers don't need it, for starters, and they won't stay in there anyway. One forum I moderated dealt with a hobby that required extensive knowledge of computer programming. We tried just that, creating a 'home' just for the programmers. What a farce. They'd all come right back into the main forum, to either impress the common folk with their skills, chew on someone's butt for leaking a rumor, or just pal around with their old friends. Not unlike NitroMater. :D I'm telling you, it's a waste of time.

In RE violations: Setting rules and parameters, other than a general 'NO BASHING OR FLAMING' statement, is futile. We've tried green-dot merit/demerit systems, 1-2-3 and you're outta here, 1 day, then 3 days, then a week, then a month, then permanent bans...WAY too much trouble to keep up with; moderators get PM'd to death with clemency requests and it just never quits. There is one way to do it, and the responsibility falls squarely on the mods at this site. You take it on a case-by-case basis.

You must be consistent and not play favorites. I've tossed airline pilots, corporate CEO's and even a prominent rap artist right under the bus. I don't care, and you can't care, either. Everyone is treated individually, equally and with a heavy dose of common sense. I could expand on this for miles and miles, but you get the idea.

I allowed constructive, substantiated criticism on my sites in all cases. There is a vast difference between critique and flame. I digress to the Capps thread. "Don Schumacher is 100% business when it comes to winning races and championships" is substantiated critique. "Don Schumacher hates Cory Mac" is not. What to do about it? Report the post, if you're a member. That's part of a mod's job, to rely on information given by other members. But, remember, case-by-case. Mods have several options. Edit the offensive text and forget it. Delete the entire post and send the poster an explanation....or send him/her a warning, if it's really bad or it's a repeat offense. Mods can close up the thread, or just delete it all. If a particular post is severe enough in nature to warrant a ban - then ban. There should be a provision in the VBulletin (or whatever) software to put "banned" under a members' name as a reminder to the next jackass that figures he/she knows more than the rest of us.

Remember something. This site isn't governed by the First Amendment. It is not a democracy; it's a friendly dictatorship. Those who run it have every right to censor whomever, for whatever. And a certain degree of skin thickness is required in one of these places, whether you're the target or the shooter. No one is God, except God, and he ain't registered as far as I know.

Running it right up the middle is always the best way. NitroMater will survive - and prosper - if its' members are allowed to air their laundry, speak their mind, not be afraid of intimidation or slander and knowing there is a system in place that will keep the site that way. Respect is a two way street. You can and you must govern - at the same time you cannot smother and stifle.

It's not easy being a moderator. Despite your best efforts, dustups will always be part and parcel of a large internet discussion forum. But it can be controlled and it can be a source of pleasure and learning if it's handled properly. And with that, I think I'm through for a while. ;)
Not true. Works well on some other sites.

Ok, how about having a separate forum for fan boys/girls/drag groupies so they can participate in a continuous circle ****?

I'd rather discuss the state of the sport and the personalities involved without reading, oh, how can you say that about my friend?
This place and many others took their first crap when National Dragster did an article several years ago on internet message boards and where the racers hang out. Within a few days the memberships went through the roof. Then the bashing and trashing started and one by one the participating racers left. The beating guys like Bazemore, Angelle and others took on this message board was a reality check and heads up to the rest of the racers to stay off the message boards. And there you have it.

Don Schumacher has thick enough skin to come one here and tell it like it is. I'd would bet that many of his compadres are asking him why he bothers to respond to the crap here. The active members of this board don't even represent .005% of the race fans, but yet the junk and garbage thrown around here shows up on Google searches where potential sponsors might land to read it.

Hey Don. Back when your kid drove an alcohol car you guys hooked me up with a battery charger. I never figured I'd need that six volt side of it until last week when I finished restoring my '54 Corvette. Worked great, which allowed me to charge my battery and drive it to John Force's Holiday Car Show today. Hopefully this positive post (no pun intended) shows up on a Google search when someone is looking at the internet to see who makes the best 6 volt charger.

And there you have it, once again.


And where is Bazemore now?
I like coming here to read up on the current state of the sport, things that are going on, the facts, the rumors... I sympathise with some of the haters, but am still open to counterpoints of defence.

Only thing I could do without is the attitude some people have that they are somehow superior to me (or others) because they've sat behind the wheel. Not the majority but it happens.

Still one of the only websites I visit everyday though. Might sound like buttkissing (which I also hate) but nice to hear from D. Schumacher and others heavily involved (and influential) with the NHRA.
I am a member of and participate on the Mater because of what it is. In my opinion it is an open forum where you can gain information, ask questions, give your opinion and receive responses pro and con on various subjects from posters with real names of individuals that need to take responsibility for their words.

The Mater has allowed each of us to meet many new friends and create several detractors. It has allowed us to gain knowledge from sources that we would not encounter in our dailey lives. I really enjoy when an actual participant in an event being discussed comes on and gives factual information. And it is disappointing when a person "in the know" perpetuates the spin view of a topic.

All media sources report the "news" or "events" with a bias, including Bobby who I consider a friend and one of the most accurate news sources in drag racing. They are always aware of where their sources of income are and important "details" or whole "stories" are omitted due to "politics" or slanted to protect those income sources.

It is my hope that the Mater rules remain as they are, that more time is taken by individuals to comprehend and fully understand each post by others, that responses are previewed to insure that what we are thinking and mean is actually what we typed, and that more individuals with factual information will post and inform the masses of truthful facts, not just the PR spin. We must remember that many questions are asked and opinions given based only on what information can be gained on these forums or the news media.
a recent thread was very positive regarding a former driver/owner/sponsor.

someone with a differing and slightly negative spin on the topic PM'd me to
discuss this angle - we exchanged a few messages and said no more.
IMO this individual did the right thing; instead of clouding the public thread
with conjecture, he opted to discuss privately. his comments i inferred
were quite truthful and thought his move to comment privately was

as virgil stated,
responses are previewed to insure that what we are thinking and mean is actually what we typed
.....i have caught myself
many times typing a response, then deciding upon reviewing to either shorten,
retype, or delete, sometimes also deleting posted responses.
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