Al always had the reputation of being a BAS Azzzz... Truth he was one helluva nice guy once you knew him..
Back in the 90's I used the take photos at some of the National Events... NHRA was running at Maple Grove.. and there was a real bad oil down, and he was about the 2nd or 3rd car in line to run...
I had a pass to go to the starting line, & saw him get out of his car during the clean up...
I had spoke to him a few times, and I asked him if he would sign a "Slick 50" hat that I had.. (they were one of his sponsors) ...he knew I was a cop at the time & did the photos on the side... so he says to me... after I run meet me at my trailer & if you can get me a "Get Out Of Jail For Free Card" I'll do better ...
I went to his trailer later that Fri. and gave him a PBA card from Stamford PD...
He signed my hat, & GAVE me a Piston & Rod with a clock on the big end of the rod... Its not chrome.. and its all banged up just the way it came out of his car... Now those pistons and rod clocks sell for $75.00 +
I won't sell the one I have for $1,000 now !! its like gold to me!! Al would always say This "F***in" card BETTER WORK if I get stopped...

We always got a laugh out of that...
BTW I'm looking at it as I type this....
As a PS I lost my son in 96 in a car accident, and he sent a basket of fruit and card....
That Is The Kind Of Person He Was
God Bless Al & his Family...