Let me ask one more time. If I own a AFC or TAD can I install an Electrimotion Shutoff Receiver? I ask because it's not in the rules and even if I wanted to install one I don't think I am allowed to.
Apparently Mr. Bowen doesn't know the answer. Does anyone know?
Section 13.7
TAFC Support Group
Properly installed and operational Electrimotion Top Alcohol Funny
Car Shutoff Controller Kit (part number SB001TAFC) mandatory.
The Electrimotion Top Alcohol Funny Car Safety Shutoff Controller
Kit must be properly installed per the manufacturer’s instructions.
Modification of or tampering with the Electrimotion Top Alcohol
Funny Car Safety Shutoff Controller Kit prohibited.
Section 16.2
Funny Car Support Group
Properly installed and operational Electrimotion Funny Car Safety
Shutoff Controller Kit (part number SB001FC) and Electrimotion
Shutoff Receiver (part number RF001) mandatory. The
Electrimotion Funny Car Safety Shutoff Controller Kit must be
installed per the manufacturer’s instructions. Modification of or
tampering with the Electrimotion Funny Car Safety Shutoff
Controller Kit prohibited.
I can't find anything on Shutoff Receiver being optional on TAFC. Also can't find a part number for TAFC Shutdown Receiver at Electrimotion site. If anyone can contact a Division Tech Director, that should provide a difinitive answer.
Can't remember where the Transmitter is located on the wall (how far downtrack), but I am sure it is positioned for fuel cars. For some reason, 400' comes to (cloudy) mind. If it's 400' past 1000' timers, that would mean it would activate on Alky cars only 80' past their finish line - probably a little quick.
Wish I could be more help, but this is all I can find. - Jim