Nick Rienstra
Nitro Member
“Real easy statements to make when you need to backtrack and/or cool the situation right?”I didn't backtrack on anything. Was just agreeing with someone on a completely different topic. However, If you don't believe the media manipulates us then I don't know what to tell you.
All that withstanding, I will definitely keep the photos coming!
I fixed the wording for you.
Yes media manipulates. They have since the media was invented. Including the NHRA media machine to some extent. You also need to realize (maybe you do), that they need to in order to gain eyeballs. But when the media manipulates and trashes the constitution, the founding, and the history of the USA and others “sarcastically” regurgitate their BS that’s when I bite back.
Again I have the utmost respect for your photography talent and your service to the greatest gift God gave man, the USA! Thanks man!