The Little Lizard
Nitro Member
Are you saying you don't believe in coincidence?Mr. Feld why not buy 2 drag racing associations? Then the WWE like competition can begin. Let's see..... "The Sheik vs. Sargeant Tony"
A friend and I were discussing this notion just the other day, while our conversation was very hypothetical, when you move to an environment of goal post changing, and even a minor degree of scripting one (not that I know anyone actually doing that?) would be moving in the direction of something a kin to WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). Thus, a sports association could be split into to components:
1. Sportman, i.e., WDRO-World Drag Racing Organization
2. Entertainment, i.e., WDRE-World Drag Racing Entertainment
Each would be their own separate entites, with their own CEO, or Even the #2 option would be totally separted and become its own new totally separate corporate entity, with separate CEO, board, and stock exchange offering similar to WWE. One could imagine any one who could orchestrate such a split could become very wealthy with stock of the new company and options, etc.
Just a hypothetical response to comments of Jack Issi