We can laugh it off as John being John, or we should know that’s the kinda guy he is by watching his at top-end interviews, but as long as someone is doing something, and that someone is doing their something in the public arena, and that someone is doing it on someone else’s dime…AKA, has sponsors; that someone is representing those sponsors.
I am not saying it should, nor saying it will, but what would/could/might be the repercussions to JFR if say, the head of the National Teachers Union sent a letter to all their members, mentioning the teacher remark, and urge said members to look at someone other than Ford if they were in the market for a vehicle. Or the Southern Baptist Association, or the Catholic church asking their members to write Castrol about the language.
Look, I like Force. I am not really one of his fans, but face it. he is an icon of this sport. He is to Drag Racing in the 1990’s and 2000’s as what Garlits was to the sport in the 60’s and 70’s..and whether he likes it or not…..when he is in public, he is in public. He is not a private person in public, he gave that up when he chose to represent his clients….face it, he is a marketing tool for the sponsor..
I doubt you would ever see Dixon drinking a Bud in public, or Bernstein with a Miller Lite in his hand, or Don Schumacher checking out paint chips at the local Sherwin Williams store.
Not slamming or bashing John, but I think he should re-examine what is going to be shown on the air…it would be for his own benefit.
Just my opinion