Countdown Poll (1 Viewer)

Should NHRA scrap the Countdown or keep it?

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Nitro Member
Jul 9, 2006
Well with the season concluding yesterday, do you think NHRA should keep the crapdown or get rid of it? Now that everyone's had a year of it, lets hear what everyone thinks.
DUMP IT!!:cool: Sure are glad you can only vote once, or Paul and Rex would be busy ALL day voting to keep the mess.:rolleyes:
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I do not like the format there is right now, it needs a tweak.... The last drop to 4 needs to get tossed out. Countdown to 8 was OK with me.
Didn't we just have one of these polls? What's the purpose of it, you already know what the results are going to be! :eek:

Almost like talking just to hear yourself talk.
Didn't we just have one of these polls? What's the purpose of it, you already know what the results are going to be! :eek:

Almost like talking just to hear yourself talk.

What's the purpose of you asking him "What's the purpose"? :confused:

What's the purpose of me asking you asking him what's the purpose? :D
keep it.
i like jon asher's suggestion.....
eliminate to a top 10 at indy and re-tighten points
(also 1.5x points at indy to determine final positions before adjustment)
no further points adjustment for rest of season.
Scrap the "countdown" the champion should be the driver that does the best over the course of the season.
I didn't mind the countdown to 8 so much, but to have a readjustment to points for the final two races is BS. I think that what is way more important, and I'd bet all the drivers would prefer this, is to see an increase in purses. There's been no increase for about 7-8 years. I would think that winning an event now doesn't even cover a team's expenses for the race.
I didnt know we had another poll going currently or I forgot if I saw it, sue me. This thing sucks so bad its in every thread some way or another. I knew we had one when they annouced this crap but anyways.
I didnt know we had another poll going currently or I forgot if I saw it, sue me. This thing sucks so bad its in every thread some way or another. I knew we had one when they annouced this crap but anyways.

I think he's "commenting" on the one weeks ago. This is the first one after the "fact." Right now it's running within a percent of the old one. The old one was kinda screwed up because you had more than one way to vote being against, LOL. Some didn't seem to want to accept all those added up and stacked up against their 17% in favor. :)
Didn't we just have one of these polls? What's the purpose of it, you already know what the results are going to be! :eek:

Almost like talking just to hear yourself talk.

Lance....If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything...I don't believe anyone asked for you to post a comment here, did they?
I hate it, get rid of it. As was stated, the Championship should be based on your whole years performance.

If they do keep it, there needs to be some major tweeks. For one, I think that wins should count for something in the countdown. Give the drivers 5 bonus points for each win. It might stop the "mid-season testing".
I didn't mind the countdown to 8 so much, but to have a readjustment to points for the final two races is BS. I think that what is way more important, and I'd bet all the drivers would prefer this, is to see an increase in purses. There's been no increase for about 7-8 years. I would think that winning an event now doesn't even cover a team's expenses for the race.

An event win (other than Indy) pays $40,000..After Driver, Crew Chief, & Team bonuses (give or take 50%) it doesn't even cover the parts bill for that race...
Didn't we just have one of these polls? What's the purpose of it, you already know what the results are going to be! :eek:

Almost like talking just to hear yourself talk.

Here's a thought. If the thread has the word "Countdown" in it......ignore the thread.
I'd like to see NHRA put their money where their mouth is and have a similar poll on
who cares. i love to watch and read because of the sounds, smell, and sights. i marvel at the facts of how much power can be made with a 500 cubic motor on nitro and alcohol. the colors of the cars and styles of bodies. the sight of endless rows of transports and technology. ..... thats what brings me and keeps my intrest. NOT who gets the #1. there haven't been to many of my personal favorites that have goten to wear the #1 but i keep coming back for more. almost like a drug. . so again i say who cares how the points are figured.
The poll can be 99% to 1%, but do you really think the NHRA will go back to the old system? I hope we can look back at this 5 years from now and all agree that the Countdown was a good thing for the sport after it has some minor tweaks.
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