Would new Speedway pay off for (Bruton) Smith? (1 Viewer)

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Re: Etc.

Drag Racing has recieved MORE ink over this mess than it has ever got with the PHONY chase crap.:rolleyes:.

A perfect example of what I meant by people polluting threads that have nothing to due with the Countdown. GET OVER IT AND STOP BRINGING THIS UP!! If you want to cry about this do so in thread that already is discussing the Countdown (there are a number of them).
It sounds like we will all know after the town (Concord) meeting now scheduled for 6 p.m. Oct. 26.............:confused:
That's what we are waiting on, the 26 of the month, I hope Bruton stays put, if he moves it, it will put the strip another year behind, and I want to go this weekend!!!!!!!!!! It's will be only 22 miles from home...all interstate, damn I can't wait!
I really hope it works out for all the local people & businesses there. If it doesn't work out, then I have a feeling there will be a fruit basket turnover in the city council and a new mayor will be elected. I bet there would be some of those city staffers that made the recommendation to the council that will be facing early retirement too!

All Bruton wants is a drag strip! Give the man and the people what they want! There are plenty of earplugs out there. Hell, I am sure every household will get a free box compliments of Bruton!!:D
That's what we are waiting on, the 26 of the month, I hope Bruton stays put, if he moves it, it will put the strip another year behind, and I want to go this weekend!!!!!!!!!! It's will be only 22 miles from home...all interstate, damn I can't wait!

Why would it delay it another year?? I will bet if Bruton wants to have the strip done quickly, it will be. He has the resources to make NASCAR and NHRA each have a new track for next year.
This reminds me of how the Patriots started negotiating with Hartford CT about relocating there. Suddenly, Ma. found a way to get a deal done.
There's a reason why Rich Men are Rich.
. . .If it doesn't work out, then I have a feeling there will be a fruit basket turnover in the city council and a new mayor will be elected. I bet there would be some of those city staffers that made the recommendation to the council that will be facing early retirement too!

Despite the turnout of this debacle, I believe those who made recommendations to the Council and especially those who voted to down-zone the Motor-sports Park in the first place, should be facing an ill fate.
Here's my two cents. Lets say that twelve people complained to the county about the possible noise, build the dragstrip, and on the weekend of the race give those people a round trip ticket and five houndred dollars spending money and have them leave for the weekend. Heck they could even rent out thier house and make a little extra cash. Sure would be cheaper than building a new race track and the county gets to keep the income. Everyone is happy and the problem is solved. Now lets go racing!!!:rolleyes:.:):D
Here's my two cents. Lets say that twelve people complained to the county about the possible noise, build the dragstrip, and on the weekend of the race give those people a round trip ticket and five houndred dollars spending money and have them leave for the weekend. Heck they could even rent out thier house and make a little extra cash. Sure would be cheaper than building a new race track and the county gets to keep the income. Everyone is happy and the problem is solved. Now lets go racing!!!:rolleyes:.:):D

Wouldn't that spawn a myriad of other complaints looking for vacation subsidies? Wouldn't that also bring the NIMBYs out in full force every time another track asks for permitting? I say the people of the city should publish their names for all to see just who wanted to deprive the city of hundreds of millions of dollars just for their own personal comfort so everyone could express how the populous really feels.
Any body who buys a house should look at whats around there first before buying the house if they are so concerned about noise, etc, if it's near a racetrack, airport, rock quarry, etc don't buy the damn house there. Most people are so stupid nowadays, no wonder America is going to the dogs. :mad:
Despite the turnout of this debacle, I believe those who made recommendations to the Council and especially those who voted to down-zone the Motor-sports Park in the first place, should be facing an ill fate.

in other words............OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!:D
Any body who buys a house should look at whats around there first before buying the house if they are so concerned about noise, etc, if it's near a racetrack, airport, rock quarry, etc don't buy the damn house there. Most people are so stupid nowadays, no wonder America is going to the dogs. :mad:

Actualy.. if you look at the property now compared to 1 year ago.. the huge number of trees.. a natural sound barrier.. have been removed... you use to not be able to see the speedway form the neighborhoods.. now there is nothing in the way....

when that type of clearing occurs .. it gives the complaints merit.... regretfully

Actually.. if you look at the property now compared to 1 year ago.. the huge number of trees.. a natural sound barrier.. have been removed... you use to not be able to see the speedway form the neighborhoods.. now there is nothing in the way....

when that type of clearing occurs .. it gives the complaints merit.... regretfully


Perhaps those home buyers should checkout what's around the neighborhood first before buying, ie you drive by a racetrack and the house is about a mile away (there's your sign), your looking at a house a low flying plane goes over it (there's your sign), you drive by a rock quarry that's close to the house you want to buy (there's your sign). Not looking at what places are around the house you are looking at or want to buy , makes you ignorant, the clearing of trees and other bs is a poor excuse, and it doesn't give any complaints any merit at all. Ignorance is no excuse. It's like telling a cop that you forgot robbery was illegal after you get arrested for robbing a bank.
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