Incompetence, sure.
Murder, no.
He is not killing the sport, the NHRA is no better or worse off than when he took over, with the possible exception of bringing in Powerade when Winston bailed. There are more sponsors willing to do business with NHRA now than when the sport ran on tobacco money. But he should still have realized more growth since Powewrade came in in '02 or '03, something that would be in at least proportional to his increases in salary.
Again, I reiterate, the HDP takeover will be status quo if they leave Compton in charge. Kinda like meet the new boss, same as the old boss. I am not for entirely reinventing the wheel, the NHRA and it's people do many things well, but the top of the organization is stagnant and needs new blood. I would like to see HDP come in, and after a transitional period of say 6 months, bring in fresh blood and ideas.
I nominate Chris Blair .....
I will second that motion