Nitro Member
Dan Olson has had extensive discussions with most of the front line crew chiefs on the switch back to 90%. Although the change to 85% was implemented "overnight" that was a knee jerk reaction to the situation at the time. In the ensuing period the teams have changed a lot of components to compensate for the lesser percentage and going back to more latent heat as in 90% will require several component changes. With the current shortage of hard parts and the lead time for the teams to restock their inventory waiting until 08 sounds like a good plan.
I was talking to one of the leading F/C crew cheifs last night and he said that the 85% rule is costing all of the teams a huge amount of money as component life (crank, rods and pistons) is dismal at this time.
I never understood going to 85%. I looked at that crash one day (morbid curiosity, some douche bag put it in a "crash comp" on streetfire

Going back to the topic, I support going back to 90%, the A-fuelers sound meaner right now.