Real Classy Cruz!!! :( (2 Viewers)

I don't see anything wrong with it either, who knows maybe there's some truth to it. AAA and Mach 1 come to mind. Either way the Pedregon's still had an impressive year between the two of them they had 7 event wins, the Skoal Showdown and now the title.
I'm with the OP on this, I wanted either Height or Wilk to win it all and was beginning to accept Cruz being the champ when he made that cheap shot!! :mad:

For the record John Force doesn't "steal sponsors." Companies just know he'll give them exposure so they go with him.
Dear Cruz,

You wouldn't have a hard time getting sponsors if you didn't suck so bad. Perhaps this championship will help you get over getting your butt handed to you for the last 15 years by people at John Force Racing.

For the record John Force doesn't "steal sponsors." Companies just know he'll give them exposure so they go with him.
What the heck do you know about "the record"?

You do have to wonder how a company representative, which Densham was for AAA, lost the sponsorship to JFR.
That comment did make me think for a second,but I didn't think it was that big of a deal. This whole thread sounds like a bunch of bitter JFR fans *****ing because his four car mega team couldn't bring home a title,and I couldn't be happier. Only thing I was unhappy about was Tim Wilkerson didn't win the title he so deserved.
The whole Force satement was odd, tried to compliment him but also had to take a shot too.

I did like how he admitted that if it wasn't for the Countdown Wilk would be champ. Had to make Compton clench seeing his champ admit it should be another guy
The whole Force satement was odd, tried to compliment him but also had to take a shot too.

I did like how he admitted that if it wasn't for the Countdown Wilk would be champ. Had to make Compton clench seeing his champ admit it should be another guy

I hope Compton chokes on it....
This thread is too funny! It's entertaining to read peoples comments who really should educate themselves about the sport of drag racing. Whether a cheap shot or not, drag racing is a professional sport just like football, baseball etc. Players make comments (cheap shots if you want to call it that) all the time to one another. It's called being competitive. Competitors may talk a little smack to motivate themselves. Doesn't mean it's personal. I can tell you that whatever comments were made did not bother Force based on the conversation I had with him this evening. John is a class guy and a Champion! When you beat the best it's very gratifying. When a camera is stuck in you face it's not easy for some to have the correct words on spur the moment.

As far as the countdown format, like it or not, it is what it is. Every team had the same opportunity! Cruz had the best car the last 6 races. Period.

I spent a few minutes over in Wilkerson's pit this evening. I told him he had a great season and had the best car all year. No one can argue that. He didn't have a good car when it counted. Tim is a class guy. Anyone that can own, drive, tune AND be successfull..... hats off to em'!

It's a good thing when you are called a whiner and nobody likes you. That means you are winning!

I don't mean to bash anyone or take up for anyone either. Just some opinions that may shed some light for some people.

Have fun at your keyboards!

Dickie Venables
Does anyone recall when Joe Gibbs sold his TF operation at the end of the 2000 season, MBNA was going to sponsor Cory Mac if he managed to find a fulltime ride. But as I was strolling thru the pits on Friday before qualifying at the 2001 Winternationals I noticed that Cory was nowhere to be found but in the Force pits a crew member was applying brand new MBNA decals to Force and Tony Pedregon's cars. While I wouldn't call this stealing a sponsor, the MBNA move seemed more like a vulture swooping in on leftovers.
This thread is too funny! It's entertaining to read peoples comments who really should educate themselves about the sport of drag racing. Whether a cheap shot or not, drag racing is a professional sport just like football, baseball etc. Players make comments (cheap shots if you want to call it that) all the time to one another. It's called being competitive. Competitors may talk a little smack to motivate themselves. Doesn't mean it's personal. I can tell you that whatever comments were made did not bother Force based on the conversation I had with him this evening. John is a class guy and a Champion! When you beat the best it's very gratifying. When a camera is stuck in you face it's not easy for some to have the correct words on spur the moment.

As far as the countdown format, like it or not, it is what it is. Every team had the same opportunity! Cruz had the best car the last 6 races. Period.

I spent a few minutes over in Wilkerson's pit this evening. I told him he had a great season and had the best car all year. No one can argue that. He didn't have a good car when it counted. Tim is a class guy. Anyone that can own, drive, tune AND be successfull..... hats off to em'!

It's a good thing when you are called a whiner and nobody likes you. That means you are winning!

I don't mean to bash anyone or take up for anyone either. Just some opinions that may shed some light for some people.

Have fun at your keyboards!

Dickie Venables

Very Well Said!!! Personally (and nothing personal) I was really hoping that Timmy was going to win. In my opinion, it was very motivating to see a one car team at the top. I hope that with all his data he can repeat his performance and even better it.

But Dickie is right and Thank you for posting. Rohn gave you a lot of credit for mentoring him over the last year and half and it's really paid off.

No matter what anyone's opinion is, Cruz is champ and he deserves a Big Congratulations!!!
I think Cruz was saying something the same way the phrase "ride stealer" is used without malice.
Possibly could he be hinting at in the rush of the moment that the "sponsor stealer" and all his money couldnt beat him (Cruz).
I would think sponsors would like their logos on cars with proven records if they can afford that sponsorship level and if not, sponsor others spending less cash maybe?
Congrats to Cruz. I know at the 32 Funny Car Show at Firebird last month, Cruz this Cruz that was all I personally heard from the fans, you would of thought Del wasnt even there.
Cruz has always worn his emotions on his sleve and it doesnt always look politically correct, but Im sure his lack luster career isnt what he would want it to be.
If saying publically and even to Compton that Tim would of been the winner had it not been for the countdown, and talking about all the nice things Force has done for him is wrong......then theres something wrong with that! I think he was just mentioning his 2 biggest threats, and happy they got past them! Congrats Cruz, I think you are getting a bagged here and its wrong. ( I wanted Wilk to win but theres always next year.)
I find it hard to believe that there was targeted or strategically placed "ill will" in Cruz Pedgregon's comments... I didn't see him as taking a shot at John Force...

What I saw was a fellow very excited to be crowned the 2008 Champion, in the heat of the moment, trying to be respectful, comical, energetic, and considerate of all the situations that happen within our sport.

We are not all Bernsteins in terms of our interview skills or command of language.

Had John Force made those comments about Don Schumacher it would be written off as John Force being John Force, no ill will intended... Since it was Cruz... Why should his comments be scrutinized for some sort of special agenda?

Out of all the stuff, Cruz noted more than once that in the "old system", (in other words the driver/car with the best overall record), the winner would have been Wilk.

He also set up NHRA for the playoff format (as appropriate), and established that in respect to the rules of this season, he became the Champion in his own right.

All is good. The countdown still diminishes the integrity of the NHRA, but Cruz is as much a Champ as anyone as the rules were established (in regards to the Championship) before the season began and everyone knows how to play the game.
This thread is too funny! It's entertaining to read peoples comments who really should educate themselves about the sport of drag racing. Whether a cheap shot or not, drag racing is a professional sport just like football, baseball etc. Players make comments (cheap shots if you want to call it that) all the time to one another. It's called being competitive. Competitors may talk a little smack to motivate themselves. Doesn't mean it's personal. I can tell you that whatever comments were made did not bother Force based on the conversation I had with him this evening. John is a class guy and a Champion! When you beat the best it's very gratifying. When a camera is stuck in you face it's not easy for some to have the correct words on spur the moment.

Excuse me for this blatantly obvious justification of what was said -- but does anyone else reading this NOT believe that it was a cheap shot?

You talk smack when you are in the thick of the championship, fighting to win. You don't talk smack after you've already won. If this was two races ago, I don't care. You're the champion. Act like it.

And I don't buy the whole camera being stuck in your face and saying something on accident. Cruz is a veteran. He's been doing this for 20 years. You don't just OOPS and say something after than long in this business to demean someone like that.

And I completely agree, Dickie. They didn't bother Force, because for years he's had to deal with people saying things like this.

Heck, if I had won 14 championships, I wouldn't feel bad with anything that anyone says. I'd let my 14 championships speak for themselves.
If Cruz reads this, there are many people here who support you! I see nothing wrong with what he said in that interview. Some people are just pis$ed their driver did not win the championship and are looking for anything to try and bring the man down, get off of it! Cruz, you are the man and congrats on a great year!
His Force / sponsor comment appeared to me as a poorly executed attempt at humor... he simply didn't pull it off. His positive remarks FAR outweighed this, anyway.
they compete for sponsors as hard as they compete on the track.

get over it.
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