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Tony Shoe's Comments (1 Viewer)

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Wow, I opened a big can of worms here! :D

I was just pissed at what he said about Troxel's team...oh well...we digress.
You should be equally upset at her team members accusing Schumacher's team of cheating by adding weight after the run without any proof.
pretty classless on camera.

I haven't quite decided how I feel about the whole thing being aired on TV and on the internet. It does make NHRA look quite bush league and amateurish, and poor Graham Light looked like a deer in headlights during the whole fiasco and Tony looked like a bully. I can tell you this, you will NEVER get a camera in the "Big Yellow Truck" at a NASCAR event or in Charlie Whiting's (chief FIA official) office at an F1 event. They handle their stuff behind closed doors and with press releases. Tends to avoid/lessen embarrassment for all parties.

On the other hand, I kinda like that transparency of seeing the behind the scenes why's and how's of high level rule enforcement, how the sanctioning body attempts to explain the situation and how the team tries to argue their case.
You should be equally upset at her team members accusing Schumacher's team of cheating by adding weight after the run without any proof.

Did they? Was it on camera, or something only those whom were present heard? What a mess on both sides.

Meh. I haven't had any real admiration for Tony nor the NHRA here lately, and this incident is indicative of why. More drag racing, less "soap opera" drama is what I prefer...
You should be equally upset at her team members accusing Schumacher's team of cheating by adding weight after the run without any proof.

Hey Brent, did I miss some video or a statement from the Troxel team? How do we know what was said and by whom?
If all of you that think using the words "Moron", "Idiot", "Stupid", etc. Think that makes the rest of your arguement look intellegent.......

I have news for you.......

You ain't doin' yerself any Favors........

No matter WHO you are referring to.

Just looks classless.

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Hey Brent, did I miss some video or a statement from the Troxel team? How do we know what was said and by whom?
I made this statement too in the other thread.I never saw it on video.Was it actually said? Like I said before it's a he said she said thing.
I wonder what some people expect? You want your heroes to be all politically correct all the time? If you all have your way we'd live in a boring damn world. Drag racing is an edgy sport, that's been the appeal since forever. Now with the pressure to 1. stay alive, and 2. Satisfy everyone from sponsors to fans, to moronic NHRA officials, everyone wants their heroes to be namby pamby? BAH! JUST WHAT DO YOU ALL WANT?????
I just want someone to name the page and paragraph in the rule book weher it states that T/F dragsters must be weighed following the conclusion of a run. I can't find it.

I agree. None of the whole deal should have been on camera. The fact that Graham light and or Tony or Don let the thing be televised is suspect to me in the first place. Caught on tape is one thing. Allowing things to be taped such as this is a set up. Those television cameras are NOT up in the tower taking action shots all during the event. Someone had to set the deal up to begin with. All parties had the power to demand there be no cameras. Drama, drama, drama.
I wonder what some people expect? You want your heroes to be all politically correct all the time? If you all have your way we'd live in a boring damn world. Drag racing is an edgy sport, that's been the appeal since forever. Now with the pressure to 1. stay alive, and 2. Satisfy everyone from sponsors to fans, to moronic NHRA officials, everyone wants their heroes to be namby pamby? BAH! JUST WHAT DO YOU ALL WANT?????

theres a difference between "PC" and insulting. this is not the first time shoe has insulted another driver on camera. bazemore may be edgy, but at least he doesn't flat out insult other drivers, and by name at that!

i have not like shoe since the kalitta episode. this makes me hope he never wins again.
I just want someone to name the page and paragraph in the rule book weher it states that T/F dragsters must be weighed following the conclusion of a run. I can't find it.

There's nothing in the rule book that says you can't spin a U-turn in the shut off area and head back down the race track, or driving a fuel car under power back to your pit area either. Just because it's not in the rule book doesn't mean we don't know what is understood by the majority.

The very least they should have done was slowed down, honk the horn and made eye contact with the scale master to see if they wanted them on there or not. A simple wave either way could have made this a non-issue.

But then, look back on Greg Anderson's confusion about the Auto Start system awhile back. My 13-year old junior dragster driver understood the rule better than he did!

Oh, and to the point of this thread, I can somewhat understand Tony being pissed on Saturday and accidently making the comment about Troxel, even though it wasn't accurate. But to sleep on it and say the exact same thing Sunday morning? That was his moment to apologize for what he had said the day before, but instead he stepped in it again. That was pretty foolish.
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I just want someone to name the page and paragraph in the rule book weher it states that T/F dragsters must be weighed following the conclusion of a run. I can't find it.

I agree. None of the whole deal should have been on camera. The fact that Graham light and or Tony or Don let the thing be televised is suspect to me in the first place. Caught on tape is one thing. Allowing things to be taped such as this is a set up. Those television cameras are NOT up in the tower taking action shots all during the event. Someone had to set the deal up to begin with. All parties had the power to demand there be no cameras. Drama, drama, drama.
Page 186, section 13
Minimum weight at conclusion of run: 2,250 pounds, including driver.

How is a contestant going to show they meet the weight requirement, other than weighing the car after the run?

Tony came to the media center after the incident and 1320tv was already there with the camera to record driver interviews.
But then, look back on Greg Anderson's confusion about the Auto Start system awhile back. My 13-year old junior dragster driver understood the rule better than he did!

Thanks for my morning entertainment Bill! Very nice touch!

Does the book say wheels must be round/not square too? Some things are just understood without written instructions.

You know, like Code Red and Mess Hall?
Hey Bill:

I bet if you were heading in to the finals of a shootout, the Winternationals or a poker tournament for that matter you'd make sure you got weighed!

I guess coming from alky we know there is only one way to win and a mazillion ways to loose. Too light at the scales and stinky fuel in fuel check top the list. I guess being dumb enough to figure you didn't need to stop to do either would be another. Remember Angelle got the boot in eliminations for going pee pee before her run and being 5 pounds light at the scales here not too long ago.

It's interesting when I read the pro and con posts here I see most who have been racing are amazed they would skip the scales while many of the fans posting here are amazed NHRA would be so lax or unclear. Trust me, they aren't lax and it's very clear.

Common sense just isn't that common any more, I guess. Now we need a fleet of attorneys to decide what the right thing to do is.

After looking at Mel's late season round win record compared to his I was a little surprised to hear how confident Tony seemed in his rants. Looking strickly at statistics, Tony beating Mel to the finish line was just his lucky day.

Nice thing about drag racing. Everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time, and no one is better than anyone else. Today you can be on top of the world. The next they'll be saying... "WHO?"
bazemore may be edgy, but at least he doesn't flat out insult other drivers, and by name at that!
Is this a joke? If I remember correctly - Baze has had his fair share of incidents with drivers, by name. Ron Capps (remember his nose), Fuller, FORCE just to name a couple. Yea, he never says it like it is.

I am not a Baze fan or advocate, nor do I advocate Tony Schumacher bad mouthing anyone for undue reasons. BUT - WE as the internet people have no clue what has really been said where, and to whom, and was privy to a one sided video that we never should have been. Sure, he said some stuff that was crappy about everyone's beloved Melanie (I like her too), but she may have said stuff to his face for all we know. Was any of you in the shut down area? Are any of you crew members on these teams?

Go back to your keyboards, call it from your one side of the fence, and jump on the band wagon of hating the monster. Just because you don't get to see what the people you love say off-camera doesn't mean they never say it. And when somebody says it on camera (no matter who it is) do you know all the circumstances?

Once again - I have posted this more on this board than anywhere else...

Thanks for posting Randy, your posts are always appreciated, they always tend to bring this place back to reality.
To begin with way back at the top of this thread I stated that even though Tony screwed up by not making someone in power tell him specifically that it was OK to return to the pits without weighing, there is in fact no clear WRITTEN rule that states that a T/F dragster must weigh at the conclusion of ANY run. We just all do it. Right or wrong that's the way it is. I bet that will change now and the rule book will be re-written. Tony had a viable argument for this reason only. Critical matters ultimately need to be backed up in writing. That's what makes them rules. No room for error.

Please allow me to address the following responses in the order they were received.

Chris Cook:

I bet you will weigh after your next pass Bill!!!!

I ALWAYS stop and ask if they want us to weigh. I stop on the scale and ask. The only exception to me pulling on the scale and asking is when they step out in front the scale as we approach and wave us by. Believe me this happens alot. I have been waved off many times in both T/F and T/AD mostly during eliminations. Again things are being rushed a lot these days and every minute counts. So..........unless they tell me it's OK to go. I stay until they make up their mind and make it plain to me.

Can we expect to see you guys at all in '08?

I don't think so. Everything is for sale.

Bill Sweeny:

Understood by the majority and actually being a rule are two different things and when it comes down to $100,000 on the line you do split hairs. Tony screwed up and it cost him but again there is no rule to substantiate the penalty he was served. Further there is no rule that re-instates his opponent if he doesn't weigh who by the way didn't weigh either. Oh and by the way since we are on the conversation no one has mentioned that the run we are discussing was a qualifying run and if you really want to split hairs we all agree that you weigh following a run which improves your qualifying position which this run did not improve the teams position. OK, I know it was a winning run in the shootout, but do all NHRA rules apply to the shootout? Oh yeah that's right, there are no shootout specific rules. In fact there are no rules for the shootout. Only written specifics for what it takes to qualify for the event. Does that mean that it's really an outlaw format and nitro percentage doesn't matter etc. Only safety rules must be adhered to? I don't know, I'm just asking. Makes you think if you think about it.

Since neither of us was there we don't know if there was a honk or a wave or eye contact or anything else.

Greg Anderson was just flat dumb. He tried to "punish" Erica and it backfired on him. Like you said everyone knows how autostart works.

What was really foolish was letting it be televised.

Bob Orme

Back to my original statement. In T/AD it clearly states that you weigh at the conclusion of a run. You must also advise an official of an engine change because T/AD is a weight per cubic inch class. However T/F is NOT a weight per cubic inch class therefore the rule book only states the minimum weight required not a method for proving or disproving. I bet that will change going forwar. Now don't shoot me. I'm just the messenger. That's just what the rule book says or in this case doesn't say. Check for yourself.

1320TV should not have been allowed to record that and you and both know intimately well that Graham could have prevented the cameras from rolling and or after the fact could have issued a demand that the file be recorded over or released back to the NHRA. They are the ultimate power. Graham let it happen, period.

Bobby Miller

My opinion is if it's not in the rule book it's legal. Some would say if it's not in the rule book it's illegal. Which concept to you subscribe to? I'll bet you won't like the second way very much if you think about it.

Randy Goodwin

You are absolutely right. I would have weighed. I always do unless they wave me off. I learned a long time ago. You don't volunteer anything they don't ask for ie: fuel check, CID check, weight, SFI tags on equipment, driver suit or anything else. If they want it they will ask for it. I'm not inviting trouble.

Here is where they screwed Angelle. She was less than 5LBS light on 5LB scales. Meaning she could have been 1OZ under and it jumps to 5LBS. Why do you think everyone close to their minimum downs a big shot of water or Poweraid as soon as they get out of the car (off the bike) after the run. I have never had an official complain that I was standing on the scale with a bottle in my hand, ever. She sould have taken advantage of that concept but didn't. Also she souldn't have had the bike that colse to the minimum anyway. She was asking for it.

As far as Mel goes, pretty much everyone is glossing over the fact that she had to do more than just beat Morgan to make it into the countdown. That was just the first step. She then would have had to go additional rounds and others ie: Herbert would have had to lose etc. Beating Morgan didn't automatically put her locked into the count down. That being said it was dumb for Morgan to beat her; in my opinion. But that's just my opinion. I might be wrong.

Randy who????
Hey Bill thanks for taking the time to reply and being smart enough to stay at the scales until they make it plain to you what you need to do. Sorry to hear everything is for sale.
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