"Dr. Dirt"
Nitro Member
. . .Talk to Maher/Gaynor or Mauriello/Tyron on the facts and you'd be puzzled and disappointed on some of the past acts by some that were involved...I speak to Maher quite often. Pete once in a while and if you can find Tryon, who I consider to be a good friend, you are a miracle worker and I'll bet you five hundred bucks you can't find him either.
I've never heard a sole speak ill of Virgil but I sure have heard a great deal of positive discussion about him. I know his role in the creation of CIFCA and appreciate him for it and I'll not spend my time seeking negative information about him, you, or any others for that matter. I remember the bit about being without sin to be casting the first stone. It's my opinion that you'd do well to read it. St. John Chapter 8 the first ten or so verses. Then again, there's the problem of pearls and swine to deal with?