Real Classy Cruz!!! :( (3 Viewers)


Nitro Member
Jan 25, 2007
Yea he acknowledged Timmy as the REAL champ but WTF slamming Force like that!!!
I have lost a lot more respect for him!!!

Wilky in 09!!!
PS: I've stayed away from the computer all day because I wanted to watch it without knowing but he pissed me off so much that I came straight to the computer!!! :mad::mad::mad:

Yea Eddie!!!
Yea.........what did he say about Force? I missed it. I was on the phone with a friend- tech support for his puter.......
What I want to know is what Compton meant by "Cruz you finally won one on your own". What was that supposed to mean?
He said something to the effect that John's a great "person" but his business personna sucks: stealing sponsors and the like. This was just after Tony won & they gave Cruz the trophy and GG interviewed him.

Hopefully someone who wasn't as emotional than I can refresh my memory! If not, I'll replay the tape tomorrow!
My dislike for the guy grows even more (and it's not because of the remarks about Force).
What a tacky comment. I really think that was just another pathetic cheap shot. Heck, I rarely watch when he's interviewed since his comments after Scott Kalitta's passing, I knew I should have went for a beer....
Is this the quote you are referring to??

"I went over to John Force this morning. Man, we have our battles in the sponsor hunts but as a person and as a racer, there's no one I admire more. He was there when I was hurt, he was there when I was on the outs. He's a class guy and a racer and for him to be one of the first guys down here to congratulate me is very special."
Is this the quote you are referring to??

"I went over to John Force this morning. Man, we have our battles in the sponsor hunts but as a person and as a racer, there's no one I admire more. He was there when I was hurt, he was there when I was on the outs. He's a class guy and a racer and for him to be one of the first guys down here to congratulate me is very special."

This was in his interview with Gary just after Tony P. clinched it for him. He said a lot of that "good" stuff but his comments about "stealing sponsors"!

I check my tape tomorrow.
To paraphrase the comments were related to John's "business practices" and and "stealing everyone's sponsors." DVR didn't record (due to the late-running basketball game) so I can't get the verbatim quote.
id expect nothing less from 1 of " the whining pedregons" im suprised he didnt whine about all the multi-car teams then go into his vaudeville act of looking into the camera and speaking spanish , at least he got 1 thing right- wilk is the real champ!
Here it is .. this is exactly what cruzer said, with the slight possibility I messed up a contraction, or missed a but. :D

responding to Gary's question abuot what this title means..

"... Hey, John Force, I went up to his trailer this morning, and I said...., you know, aside from Force's business practices and his.. hey, Force is a champion and, but... there is nobody I admire more in racing than John Force. That guy is a true champion, he supported me when I've been on fire, I've been in the hospital, John, John is a good human being.. yea he's a greedy guy out here, wants to steal everybody's sponsors, and.. and, but.. but, but he's a class guy."
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The being "greedy" comment is what I remember hearing and it did not seem like a big deal. While we are on the subject, I always wondered how Force ended up with the AAA sponsorship. Densham had it when he joined Force, but not when he left.
i got to admit it was a less tackful than you would expect... but it will get him press all winter long and into the next season...

who knows maybe he is making up for the loss of Whit.. and trying to win his

Sorry i know this will get me ripped on..but i saw humor in it....but thats just me...( see second part of first sentence for my reasoning )

I see nothing wrong with what Cruz said. I've meant him SEVERAL times and he is such a nice guy!
He said "John steals every bodies sponsors". John get's the sponsors because he get's them the most exposure for the money.
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