someone should compile a list of PS body types used in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's.....same could be said for FC.
simple answer. a lot more then than now. not good or bad, but a whole lot more variety.
writting was on the wall for FC's in the 90's.....assume look of door wedge.
You have to also consider the amount of manufacturers involved in racing at that time. What are AMC, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Mercury, Plymouth, Datsun, and Buick up to these days? A lot are non-existent and the rest certainly don't care about motorsports.
I don't know why people harp on the NHRA so much. They can only race what the car companies are making and the car companies are making absolute garbage these days. You should be thankful that any motorsports even exist. Win on Sunday sell on Monday is long gone. They want to figure out how to make self driving and self parking cars now and cars that have built in internet. The upcoming generation (for the most part) has no interest in driving or doing anything car related.
Win on Sunday sell on Monday is long gone.
2018 COPO's from Chevy.
You all must have great jobs or big bank accounts because I don't care how much a Camaro, Mustang, Dart, Challenger, Demon, Drag Pack, Copo, Cobra Jet ANYTHING wins on sunday I sure as hell can't afford them on Monday. Who is your market? Who are you selling to? Some 18-30 year old that is going to have a 900-1000 a month car payment and another 500 a month in insurance and makes 9-16 dollars an hour?
While I completely understand where you're coming from, I also am witness to numerous folks in my small area, both young and old, that are spending RIDICULOUS amounts of money on diesel trucks. Very comparable money to what these cars cost. How they afford it is absolutely unreal to me..... Lol!
Sean D
While I completely understand where you're coming from, I also am witness to numerous folks in my small area, both young and old, that are spending RIDICULOUS amounts of money on diesel trucks. Very comparable money to what these cars cost. How they afford it is absolutely unreal to me..... Lol!
Sean D
My grandson is in first year HS, same school i went to said parking lot is half empty, during my years you had to get there early or you couldnt a place to 1982 I bought my first car - 1969 Roadrunner 383 for $800
in 1985 I bought my first new car - 1985 Dodge Omni GLH Turbo for under $9000
in 1989 I bought my first new truck - 1989 Dodge Dakota Convertible 4x4 for $19,117
it's 2017, trucks are $30 - $80 thousand, cars are $25 - $90 thousand and is it any wonder kids today Uber or ride the bus?
(BTW I still have all those...cheaper to keep 'em!)
He is driving my 71Chevy truck i bought in 71 $2200 new.
I have to agree with you, around here diesel trucks all over, tuned up many of which are daily driven and run in the 10's. Who needs a race car. I prefer playing with the diesels now myself. Truck started out towing the trailer now its faster than the race car.
You know how it works, you always have money for what you want and not for what you need.