I guess I did something wrong???? (1 Viewer)

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matt Smith

Nitro Member
I don't really know what I did wrong, but I will share this with everyone.... This is a private message I got from someone on here.... Why is there so many people on here that just have to bash people??? Please tell me if I should not have posted that about my Dad... I was just letting people know what was going on at the track that was not there...... Here is his comment....


I am sure you are proud of your father like evry other child is but to post a message so everyone can recognize what your father is currently doing is a little low-brow...maybe it is a southern (hick) thing but people that know racing are aware of his abilities w/out you having to brag..get a clue...and find some money as begging/crying for a little, $200,00-$300,000, money was pittiful and many pro racers felt the same way...
I don't think you did a thing wrong, and without knowing who sent you that, the best thing to say would be ignore it/consider the source kind of thing. It is great you and your sister hang around, so don't let someone with a rectal cranium inversion run you off!

Good luck in G-Ville, look forward to seeing you in Sears Point!

BTW, keeping us up on your Dad is cool, keep it up!
You did nothing wrong, I'm glad you post here and wish other drivers and owners would, however the bashers tend to discourage it.


F&*K'em.. Be yourself. You will never please everybody.
This world is getting worse not better...

Matt ... I am flabbergasted.

I don't think you did anything wrong by posting what you did about your Dad's weekend in Phoenix. I also don't think you did anything wrong by letting people know you guys needed some funding. You will never get anything in this world if you don't ask. Besides, you can't watch any form of racing without listening to the drivers talk about needing funding. Just ignore 'em or email the mods and let them deal with it, don't lower yourself to their level ... they will just beat you with experience.

In any event, this place is much better with you and your sis around so don't let one rotten poster spoil the message board.
until your post, i was unaware of rickie going to work for hammonds.... now we know, it adds another feather to your dads cap of accomplishments. hammonds was struggling all last year to find that tenth he needed to get in the shows every week. 1st race.... boom he's in. i say give him another pat on his back from the mater.
What? Oh, please! You did nothing wrong! It's no different (well, maybe a little) than my posting about my son, Dean scooping an awesome double play! We all come on here to share our lives and show pride in our loved ones....in and out of the 'community'!

And attack/accuse southerners of being 'hicks'? Huh, well according to alot of the country we are.....but we aren't dumb, uncaring or hurtful!

Thanks for being here Matt! And I'm not saying that to arse kiss. ;)
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I did not know your dad was working with Hammonds either.Thanks for filling us in,as far as that Bozo that sent that PM to you.What do you say? some people just feel the need to belittle<sp> others to make up for their own short comings.
He'll get his in the end when he has to answer for all he's done in life.;)
Ummm, yeah. You've done nothing wrong, Matt. Terry Jones is a bonehead and obviously has a jealousy complex. Unfortunately, Mr. Jones' actions are the very reason this forum went from something way cool back in the early days when the who's who would post here on a regular basis to their PR and sponsor people specifically telling them to stay off this site. A few know-nothing blow-hards ruining it for everyone else...sounds like America, huh?

You and your whole family rock, Matt...don't let anyone disuade you from speaking your mind and staying in the public eye!
What you posted was fine. It great to have racers and family post here. Don't let anyone scare you off.

A while back this site had quite a few racers on board. At that time we were not required to use our real names, but any name we wanted. Stuff would fly on the boards and that is one of the reasons we now use our real names when posting.
that idiot is the same one who was shouting "conspiracy" when Angelle had her problem at Pomona. It did not matter that a whole bunch of people pointed out the facts to him, he just beat the subject to death. Ignore the moron.

Glad to know your Dad is out at the strip in some way.. how to catch in the Pro Mod.....

good luck to you and your Dad this year in every way....

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