Nitro Member
Guido was about to put his fist through the side of the transporter he was so mad, at himself. They got out of their normal routine and when the leak needed attention, the TS was forgotten until it was too late. End of story.
Watch the coverage. Stuff happens.
Ever think that Guido was pi$sed off because the order to dive came down on him and something that was his responsibility?
Don't grant Don sainthood just yet. He has manipulated his teams to give the NAPA car the best shot at winning the championship. Changing teams, cars, trailers, hanging Beckman out to dry by Johnny Gray. It may not be leaving on a throttle stop but the affect is the same. I see it with my own eyes.
Hmmmm... That was a pretty good race... The only thing that hung Fast Jack out to dry was his right foot and a couple of electrical sparks in his brain- and even then, his R.T. was better than anyone here could have pulled out of their a$s on a monday morning...