Some of you want NHRA to enforce a "throwing the race" rule. Insane.
1. Drag Racing is a business, reguardless of how many fans it may piss off.
2. How?
Let's same someone smokes the tires trying to win, will they then be found gulity by the NHRA that, "that tune up would of never stuck" once they are forced to give all the book to the NHRA approved Master Crew Chief. Please!
No one seems to remember 2 things about Force's most hated dives:
1. 2009 throwing the race for Robert so he could qualify for the countdown. Any logical fan would review that weekend and see that no way in hell did Force even have the car to beat Hight. Every one talks about that being Hight's fake title when in reality 1. He would of won in 2007, but the countdown gave it to Tony (he played by the rules, taking nothin away from him; ironically Tony would of won in 2009 but the countdown gave it to Hight!) 2. Hight would of beat anyone that weekend, go back and look at what his car was doing compared to Force.
2. Today. Same deal. Force can't beat Neff head to head, he would of never won. Logically look at the weekend just convince yourself that Neff already had it in the bag just on consistancy over Force.