Dont shoot the messanger !
Didn't think I was. Sorry if you saw it that way.
So he shows up with a few minutes to spare and then can't pee? Oh, come on. Why cut it so close? He had a whole day... And why not quickly slug down a bottle of water beforehand? I'm sorry, but this stinks.
If truthful, I'd wager at least 50% of the guys on here freeze when told, Pee in the cup NOW!
According to the rule, they get 24 hours to submit everything involving the test? Hell, in most jobs out here in the non-racing (transportation) world, we get 2 hours. 2 hours to submit a sample of urine and an immediate on the spot breathalizer. After 2 hours and 1 minute, it's considered a failed test. Unless all the facts aren't in (come on, this IS the NHRA, ya know!), 24 hours is very, very liberal. Hope all this gets straightened out for him.
i hope he comes out of this clean and rubs nhras nose in it.
Must you "give" a sample inside 24 hrs, or "report" to give a sample inside 24 hrs ? If it's report then he should have stayed until the sample was sufficient. Makes me wonder if the rule was not made CRYSTAL CLEAR to everyone by NHRA.
There maybe another letter floating around in a desk somewhere that was not wrote the way Light intended for it to written.
With all this talk about drug testing, maybe the goverment should drug test ALL welfare receipients.We work for a paycheck, get drug tested in order to keep our job.
Why not welfare and any other public assistance programs. Fail a drug test no welfare check plain and simple.
Part of the problem with California, all the free money given away to druggies on welfare and illegal immigerants.
Not knowing all the particulars, but does the rule state that a driver must be tested or just submit to a drug test.
Sounds like Matt followed all the rules but the lab test was invalid.
If all involved want to clear the air then NHRA and Matt should agree to have another drug test session.
I wonder if any NHRA suits have been drug tested?
Going by the latest actions of changing points setup, etc. I wonder what kind of tabacco they been using---lol
Lets not forget someones DUI and he is still working for NHRA