I want to watch live racing so I subscribe to NHRA.tv. Why were the Diamond P shows so beloved in the 80’s and 90’s? They were fast paced and didn’t drag on. I do believe a casual fan would be far more likely to watch a NHRA drag race on TV if it was 90 minutes and not 3 hours, especially when it is not live.
If I ran the live show, I would have live TF semis leading off the show and ending it with the TF final. You could show all the other semis and finals live but recap the first two rounds in the downtime.
Prior to NHRA.tv, I wouldn’t wait for the NHRA show to air to know the results. I listened to the audio cast whenever possible or continually checked the results on Drag Race Central to see who won. I think any sporting event that is not shown live will get poor ratings because the results are already available to the diehard fans. I’m not going to tune into a tape delayed NFL game and watch it for three hours to get the results. I can pull out my phone and see the results in 5 seconds. If it was an epic game or race, I would then watch it.