Paul Miller-
Powerade is not an Energy drink it is classified as a isotonic beverage. I never had an energy drink before I tried Monster at the beginning of the year and now I buy Monster by the case from Sam's Club.
That is what I 'did' when full throttle fury (orange/red) came out- If you wanted it in my area, you had to go through me- And your chance would have been very slim-
Karl Stalcup-
and it's the MASSIVE amount of Coffee and Sugar I drink every day that keeps me operating... if not, I'm kinda like a fuel car that's pitched the rubber band....
So you putt around sounding like an A/FUEL car-
Paul Rogers Jr-
As for Redline... I read some articles on that stuff and don't think I would even consider trying it.... it sounds pretty dangerous/scary when you read some of the consumer reviews around on it.
How this stuff is sold legally, is beyond me-

Conform to all the fine print on this one- WARNING!!
And on a side note-
These 'new' 5 hour bottles of go juice that are being advertised in this area which leads to no crash- I bought out every walgreens in my area of this stuff 2 years ago, and then started getting it direct from 'chaser' the manufacturer by the case, it seemed to work at first- But hense me buying it by the case- I bought 3 bottles the other morning and had the shakes like drinking Redline for more than a few hours- good thing I was sanding my truck- How I ever airbrushed while on this, is also beyond me-
Everything in moderation as Doc says-
But anyone with a heart condition should stay away from more than a few of these!! < That's no joke!!-
Someone needs to show me how to cut and paste-
What a mess- sorry!!
I'll have someone clean this up later- C-YA!!