Don Speaks about Nitro (2 Viewers)

As a fan of Mr. Schumacher pesonally and DSR as a whole I just hope that all of this B.S. doesn't drive him to the point of saying Drag Racing; I am over it....
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Well put Don you have done nothing wrong.

You seem to have the racers best interest in mind.

You've done nothing wrong. This whole deal has only made me more of a DSR fan and wanting to support the people who support you.
I take my hat off to you Mr. Schumacher, you are a class guy. You hit the nail on the head. It's their problem not yours.

I would have to say before all this I surely wasnt a DSR fan. Seeing how
"The Don" has handled this situation makes me a huge "Shoe " Fan....
Why is it that when Wally Parks dies, the whole operation can't seem to tie it's own shoe? (no pun intended) You can't tell me that Wally hid all of these problems and wanted to dump them on his understudies. It seems like a contest; Now that Dad is dead, lets see who can crash his prized car the best. I keep hearing Napoleon Dynamite's voice in my head saying "Idiots!"

Thank You for everything you've tried to do, and do for ALL the right reasons.
You've gone above and beyond what anyone expected of you.

The world isn't going to end because you stood by your principles. Yet may I ask, is it possible that we may be going back to the days of 'Barnstorming'?

The way I see it, the ball is now in the Promoter's court. Will they become the NHRA of the sixties? Not as many National Events. And A National Event Win, because they are RARE, have more meaning.

Again Don, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for at lease TRYING to do the right thing.

I've always admired Don for what he's done for the sport and this incident has done nothing but cement my beliefs. It's funny to see the people that didn't really care for don change their position because of all this. Good for you, Don!
I would have to say before all this I surely wasnt a DSR fan. Seeing how
"The Don" has handled this situation makes me a huge "Shoe " Fan....

I have to admit the same. Really not much of a DSR team fan before. Then he hired my favorite driver (Fast Jack) and continues to handle these no-win situations with NHRA with dexterity, aplomb, and class, and he's turned me around. :)
Just seems to me as smart as we all believe Don Schumacher to be we need to ask, just who the hell does Don think he's dealing with when he goes up against NHRA all the time? I admire Don for all he's done, in the past and present. But I really wonder, who is looking out for drag racings future? It's crisis time, so it seems to me. But does anyone except us pis-ant fans really care?
Just seems to me as smart as we all believe Don Schumacher to be we need to ask, just who the hell does Don think he's dealing with when he goes up against NHRA all the time? I admire Don for all he's done, in the past and present. But I really wonder, who is looking out for drag racings future? It's crisis time, so it seems to me. But does anyone except us pis-ant fans really care?

That is a very good question. I have been a NHRA drag racer since the early 60's [yeah I actually admitted that] but no more. You have to commend the NHRA as they have turned the NHRA into a money making deal for those at the top. Remember they were brought in to make it a profitable businness, i guess they forgot to mention profitable for who???

Ok off subject, sorry. With all the decsions or non-decisions made I am done. Will I watch it on TV?? Most likely. Will I go to the track again?? Sure my local track and maybe some selected events. But will I go to a national event??..............NO. I am one person and what I do doesn't matter but it breaks my heart to see what they have done to the sport I so dearly love.

So now I am working on a street toy and will wish the NHRA the best because you have succeded in driving me away.... thank you.
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