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Yes, I Am The Bad Guy In Their Eyes.


Relax Don, they have been looking through rose colored glasses for far too long. Stand your ground and enjoy the fruits of advanced planning. You've earned it.

The real problem, as I see it is they have blundered time and again but, with the exception of the Pro Stock Truck debacle (quite expensive) they haven't been hit in the pocketbook hard enough to care. It is my belief that without Nitro Classes no event would even make a profit.
This $hortage is $tiking fear in the $pot that really hurt$ the mo$t. $mack dab in their finance$ and bottom line$.
Good grief the stuff burns your eyes enough, I can't imagine the burn of grunting it out:eek:

This whole ordeal just sucks. Plain stupid and ego written all over it.

Hey Don, when the season comes to a halt, where is team shoe gonna be match racing at?

That would be a helluva show just with DSR cars.

I'm curious, How did I hear of the Chinesse shutting down things for the Olympics quite some time ago. Yet the people who get stuff from there (VP) didn't seem to have a clue? In the end, yes NHRA needs to be accountable for this with the lone supplier and mismanagement of nitrogate. But the most heated response needs to be directed at VP. They are the ones who fouled this up.
Here's a question. If the demand for Nitro has increased so much, is it not attractive for someone here in the states to set up a mfg facility and get into the business? I'm sure it's not as simple as opening a fast food franchise, but why are the Chinese the only ones who can/will produce it?
Angus still makes nitromethane here.
Yes, I Am Ther Bad Guy In Their Eyes.

Yea Mr. Shoe-how dare you use you own nitro for testing? :p Or how dare you sell it off to whomever you please? If NHRA doesnt make any money this year we're gonna blame you!;) Good thing they plan on getting it away from you before you deplete your supply-- for the good of the sport! :eek:
The part i really find funny is NHRA is in need of (begging for) the same nitro that they fined Don Schumacher for! I bet as soon as the appeal is figured out this whole thing will start moving faster.
But aren't they (Angus/Wego) the ones that won't sell it for racing purposes?
Wego is the company whose factory in China makes nitromethane sold here for drag racing. Dow/Angus still makes the product here, but they quit selling it for drag racing a couple years ago.
But aren't they (Angus/Wego) the ones that won't sell it for racing purposes?

Just a little fairytale:

Once upon a time, a man owned a golden goose. His CPAs told him to sell the goose to a far off land.

The Kings chose the Golden Egg company to sell all the eggs his subjects needed to carry on life. Unfortunately, the Golden Egg company neglected to send the bags of jewels to the keepers of the goose, either being short of rubies or choosing to wear them personally.

The goose herders realized that they did not need to gnash their teeth at the jewels they should have received, as it began to make their digestion cranky and their outlook glum. They told the Golden Egg company that as penance for causing such grief, the eggs would not be available to them ever again, at any price.

Meanwhile, the Black Knight was a friend of the goose people and always sent them the bags of jewels they were owed. The far off people liked to send their eggs to him.

In that distant land, the Kings decided to have a wonderful party and invite everyone from every kingdom. So as not to be embarrassed, they asked that the geese not be fed for a while as their "output" created an unnerving stench and fouled the air.

So neither the Golden Egg Company nor the Black Knight could receive eggs, but only the Black Knight had been able to purchase a supply of eggs so his troops would not lack during the shortage.

The Golden Egg Company wailed and cried out to the Black Knight. "We have no eggs and you have many! Will you not give us your eggs so we can fill more pouches of jewels?" But the Knight remembered the old story of the ant and the grasshopper. "You did not prepare as was needed and thus your problem is not mine" he responded.

Many minstrels of the Kings and the Golden Egg Company went through the land, singing songs of the dastardly deeds of the Black Knight. How he hated the people!

Yet the people saw that the Kings had no clothes, and they embraced the Knight.

The End.

Of course, like any fairy tale this story may not be based on fact and does not portray any real person, company, or association. Any relation to any existing fairy tales, living or dead is a complete accident. No fairy tales were harmed during the making of this message.
Just a little fairytale:

Once upon a time, a man owned a golden goose. His CPAs told him to sell the goose to a far off land.

The Kings chose the Golden Egg company to sell all the eggs his subjects needed to carry on life. Unfortunately, the Golden Egg company neglected to send the bags of jewels to the keepers of the goose, either being short of rubies or choosing to wear them personally.

The goose herders realized that they did not need to gnash their teeth at the jewels they should have received, as it began to make their digestion cranky and their outlook glum. They told the Golden Egg company that as penance for causing such grief, the eggs would not be available to them ever again, at any price.

Meanwhile, the Black Knight was a friend of the goose people and always sent them the bags of jewels they were owed. The far off people liked to send their eggs to him.

In that distant land, the Kings decided to have a wonderful party and invite everyone from every kingdom. So as not to be embarrassed, they asked that the geese not be fed for a while as their "output" created an unnerving stench and fouled the air.

So neither the Golden Egg Company nor the Black Knight could receive eggs, but only the Black Knight had been able to purchase a supply of eggs so his troops would not lack during the shortage.

The Golden Egg Company wailed and cried out to the Black Knight. "We have no eggs and you have many! Will you not give us your eggs so we can fill more pouches of jewels?" But the Knight remembered the old story of the ant and the grasshopper. "You did not prepare as was needed and thus your problem is not mine" he responded.

Many minstrels of the Kings and the Golden Egg Company went through the land, singing songs of the dastardly deeds of the Black Knight. How he hated the people!

Yet the people saw that the Kings had no clothes, and they embraced the Knight.

The End.

Of course, like any fairy tale this story may not be based on fact and does not portray any real person, company, or association. Any relation to any existing fairy tales, living or dead is a complete accident. No fairy tales were harmed during the making of this message.

Post of the Year nominee here...
"When we developed the agreement we thought we need to include nitromethane, not for a fee, but to assure us that there would be product. So, 'VP you've got the gas business but oh by the way we are now going to make you have nitromethane. So, I don't believe nitromethane is a profit center. I think their relationship with NHRA gives them the ability to sell racing gas worldwide as the official supplier of NHRA, so it's a benefit for them. But, the nitromethane is so critical to what we do at the national event level; we need to do everything we can do to protect that supply."

then later:

GL - "Well, I think there's a number of things, I know for a fact VP is going to purchase as much chemical as possible, stockpile it and our request to them and they intend to comply, is that at any one time they'll have a year's inventory stockpiled in this country."

The above is very telling. VP bid on the Gas and had the NITRO shoved down they throat?

Then Later, Stockpile a Year's Supply? For how many cars? 16 qualifiers? 20 that might show up? 32Cars?

If you commit to a years inventory, cut me a PO with 24 releases, and you (The NHRA) will pay for the release before I bring it to your location.

I'm not sticking up for VP, but I'm still missing something here? How much Nitro is a year's supply...

Maybe I'm slow and didn't see this earlier, but it all has become clear to me now. The Vegas fine on DSR was just a way to force Don to come to their terms. NHRA Tech would've found an illegal Bronnerman Gasket Bearing on one of cars if they hadn't found the nitro, just some way to hold a hammer over his head. How pathetic...
Joe Goodin and Dan Bennett have nailed it. The exclusive supplier arrangement was faulty at the outset.
Hang in there, Shoe! If we can't get these guys to understand drag racing, you may at least be able to teach 'em a bit about how business works.
Ed Arcuri
Back to my point about supply/demand, couldn't Angus be persuaded to re-visit the racing market? I'm sure there's some reason it couldn't happen that I don't know about, but if it could work it seems that could be the path of least resistance, especially for the future of nitro racing, not just this season. Maybe Shoe could enlighten me as to why they would never sell nitro to racers again, but hey, I thought I'd throw it out there.
Maybe Evan Knoll can start refining Nitro , solve any and all financial problems he may be facing overnight!:rolleyes:
I would like for someone (anyone) to explain just how is that The Shoe is the the "bad guy" here???

So he has a supply of nitro, stockpiled for good business reasons. It's not the Shoe's responsibility to ensure that NHRA has adequate availability of ANY product required to race a nitro car.

Now an official NHRA spokesman is talking about "getting their hands on" a product that is legally is owned by someone else, and who just happens to not be an "official supplier" to NHRA, in order to have enough product to allow the Big Show to continue later this year?!

Plus, the NHRA has the sheer audacity to insinuate that Shoe might somehow be responsible for whatever the outcome this year may be, regarding nitro availability, unless he caves to their demands?

Talk about deflecton, and shifting blame for your own mistakes.

Larry Morgan had it exactly right...

No doubt Wally's rolling his grave right now.
Since they turned down the 3 offers given them this past week I'd like to know just what they want Don to do?

Sell VP the Nitro for, what was it $700/dr? and shut up and pay his $100k fine.

That's what they want... HEY!! did you guys see that pig fly by just a second ago?
Yes, I Am The Bad Guy In Their Eyes.



You are only being painted as the bad guy, because the real party at fault feels the need to blame someone for their own screw-up and is trying to save "Face". It is a familiar story. :rolleyes:

I think this time they have spit the crank out, and are in the process of driving for the finish line on fire. JMO :D

But aren't they (Angus/Wego) the ones that won't sell it for racing purposes?
From what I've heard they have contracts to sell it to the government at exorbitant prices for military purposes. So why on earth would they sell to other markets where they have to negotiate a sales price.

So maybe we can blame the president and Congress to take the heat off Don! I'm sure the liberals could get behind that idea. LOL
Don't worry Don, the only ones who think you're the bad guy are sitting in Glendora and even they know its not true but are looking to blame someone
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