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Graham Light Speaks – An Exclusive Interview

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Because it was recently reported that DSR will be selling off the nitro due to "business needs".

What better business need than 500% profit over previous sales?

Paul, I must respectfully disagree. From reading many of your posts, you seem to be someone that enjoys a good argument just for argument's sake, so I can imagine that you would be hard-pressed to have someone dictate to you where and when you will run your altered. You strike me as the type of individual who will dictate when and where you run your car. I just find it hard for you to fathom that Don chooses to dictate where and when he will sell his Nitro, just as you would dictate where and when you run your altered.

I love the sport and I would hate to see races without Nitromethane-burning race cars. However, if that's what it takes for the NHRA to come to the realization that the lack of foresight on this subject will end up costing them ticket sales, then that's the path they must walk.

My father always told me that I was so good at debating that I could take either side of an argument and debate it well. However, he always reminded me that just because I could debate my side well, it doesn't mean I was right. I can see how you formulated your argument...but it doesn't mean that it's right.

BTW, the altered construction looks like a lot of fun. If you're racing sometime soon let us know. I'd trek to Speedworld to watch it make some laps. I'm just fine in my long-wheelbase car, but that looks like a kick!
I am all for the NHRA. I have have been involved in this sport since I was a little kid. I truely love Drag Racing and I don't want to see anything bad happen to it. That said, I hope VP runs out of Nitro before this season is over. Yeah I said it. Don Schumacher has Nitro and others have tried to come up with a temporary solution to this Nitro shortage. The powers that be appear to have no interest in doing whatever it takes to keep the show going, so I think it would be poetic justice for them to run out. How full do you think the stands would be at the U.S. Nationals if there were no fuel cars competing?

There have been several things that happend in Drag Racing that were very unpleasent and have had lasting effects. Because of these awful things, significant changes were made and ultimately made the sport better. I can think of two examples of these bad things that later resulted in something better. Don Garlits had his right foot blown off when the transmission exploded in his Slingshot. It was an awful thing for Don to go through, however without that happening it is very unlikely that there would be rear engine Dragsters today. It was bad at the time but it later made the sport better. Shirley Muldowney went through a living hell when she crashed after her left front tire came apart. There had been several front tire problems leading up to her crash and because of her accident, changes were made to the tires and wheels. Another bad thing that later made the sport better.

Call it business or maybe just plain stubborn, who knows. It does appear though that some changes need to made sometime & somewhere and running out of Nitro could turn out to be one of the best things to ever happen to Drag Racing. I really think that if this occurs, people who have the power to call for change will finally get off of their asses and get something done.

My 2 cents,

VP bid on the Gas and had the NITRO shoved down they throat?

That's the way I read the interview.

Add insult to injury, Graham also said 'nitro isn't a profit center', so NHRA also saddled VP with the sole responsibility for a product they didn't ask to be burdened with, all with the knowledge or intent that they shouldn't be making any money dealing with.

I'm not sticking up for VP, but I'm still missing something here? How much Nitro is a year's supply...

The only thing you might be missing is the fact that NHRA will be forcing VP to stockpile nitro at an inflated cost to meet the 'year supply' edict, so if prices fall racers will still be paying the higher costs until the stockpile is depleted again.

Geeze... it is amazing how NHRA manages to shoot themselves in the foot every time they turn around.
I am all for the NHRA. I have have been involved in this sport since I was a little kid. I truely love Drag Racing and I don't want to see anything bad happen to it. That said, I hope VP runs out of Nitro before this season is over. Yeah I said it. Don Schumacher has Nitro and others have tried to come up with a temporary solution to this Nitro shortage. The powers that be appear to have no interest in doing whatever it takes to keep the show going, so I think it would be poetic justice for them to run out. How full do you think the stands would be at the U.S. Nationals if there were no fuel cars competing?

There have been several things that happend in Drag Racing that were very unpleasent and have had lasting effects. Because of these awful things, significant changes were made and ultimately made the sport better. I can think of two examples of these bad things that later resulted in something better. Don Garlits had his right foot blown off when the transmission exploded in his Slingshot. It was an awful thing for Don to go through, however without that happening it is very unlikely that there would be rear engine Dragsters today. It was bad at the time but it later made the sport better. Shirley Muldowney went through a living hell when she crashed after her left front tire came apart. There had been several front tire problems leading up to her crash and because of her accident, changes were made to the tires and wheels. Another bad thing that later made the sport better.

Call it business or maybe just plain stubborn, who knows. It does appear though that some changes need to made sometime & somewhere and running out of Nitro could turn out to be one of the best things to ever happen to Drag Racing. I really think that if this occurs, people who have the power to call for change will finally get off of their asses and get something done.

My 2 cents,

Dave, nice post.

My take on the whole nitro situation is that NHRA has a contractual obligation with VP and if NHRA breaks it, VP can go after NHRA in a legal sense.

If indeed there is a contractual obligation that NHRA must adhere to, they HAVE to let VP take the necessary action, including failure.

Then if VP fails to deliver the nitro, NHRA could claim VP did not meet its obligation and rescind its contract with VP and open the process to bidding.
Dave, nice post.

My take on the whole nitro situation is that NHRA has a contractual obligation with VP and if NHRA breaks it, VP can go after NHRA in a legal sense.

If indeed there is a contractual obligation that NHRA must adhere to, they HAVE to let VP take the necessary action, including failure.

Then if VP fails to deliver the nitro, NHRA could claim VP did not meet its obligation and rescind its contract with VP and open the process to bidding.

Elvis has left the building

I see from the NHRA site as quoted below, a 'friendly' reminder to make sure everyone is complying to a 36" x 8" burst panel ( or anything else that will werk) Question, is this the opening size or the square inches of body work that will depart... and why do I get the feeling they meant 12" x 24"?


Technical reminder to racers in all Top Alcohol Funny Car and Funny Car classes: All body (hood) burst panels must follow the Rules provision to ensure the retention of the panel in any incident that may occur per the NHRA Rulebook:

NHRA Rulebook, page 234, Section 13 – Top Alcohol Funny Car; Body: 7, Body “Body (hood) burst panel, minimum 288 square inches, mandatory on all screw-supercharger-equipped cars. Body burst panel must be secured with plastic screws and two 1/8-inch stainless steel wires, with body pad bolted with plate on both sides of panel.”

NHRA Rulebook, page 259, Section 16 – Funny Car; Body: 7, Body “Body (hood) burst panel, minimum 288 square inches, mandatory. Body burst panel must be secured with plastic screws and two 1/8-inch stainless steel wires, with body pad bolted with plate on both sides of panel.”

Hey, Glendora.... Words mean something... how about a 'U' shaped opening, 18" long x 17" tall x 8" wide?

sorry for the derail, okay, maybe not sorry
Dave, nice post.

My take on the whole nitro situation is that NHRA has a contractual obligation with VP and if NHRA breaks it, VP can go after NHRA in a legal sense.

If indeed there is a contractual obligation that NHRA must adhere to, they HAVE to let VP take the necessary action, including failure.

Then if VP fails to deliver the nitro, NHRA could claim VP did not meet its obligation and rescind its contract with VP and open the process to bidding.

I started that before. As soon as VP runs out of nitro, they have violated the terms of any exclusive contract.

This should open it right up for others.

Well . . . possible nitro shortage, new tire and chassis and no testing. The only available information from NHRA comes from Mr. Light, who didn't come off too well in Bobby's interview. Is there someone in the NHRA structure who is Mr. Light's superior and should be doing something?
That would be Mr. Compton, who is probably cruising in his Bentley which was paid for by members' dues and millions in fees from sportsman racers. If anyone at NHRA is reading this, I'm sure all of the Maters would like to hear how Tom is going to fix this.

If Tom doesn't have a Bentley would you feel better about NHRA? Because he doesn't. I know you heard it from a guy who heard that a guy saw him in one. But it's all a crock. Tom doesn't have a Bentley, and many of the other misconceptions about him and the NHRA management aren't true either. But everytime there is a rumor about someone at NHRA, many people jump on the bandwagon. Someone show me a picture of Tom in his Bentley and I will retract this post. Until then how about asking for proof, instead of automatically believing the worst about people.

And Jim, you run a successful business right? Who is the highest paid guy at your company? The President? I'm the highest paid guy at my company, and always will be.


If Tom doesn't have a Bentley would you feel better about NHRA? Because he doesn't. I know you heard it from a guy who heard that a guy saw him in one. But it's all a crock. Tom doesn't have a Bentley, and many of the other misconceptions about him and the NHRA management aren't true either. But everytime there is a rumor about someone at NHRA, many people jump on the bandwagon. Someone show me a picture of Tom in his Bentley and I will retract this post. Until then how about asking for proof, instead of automatically believing the worst about people.

And Jim, you run a successful business right? Who is the highest paid guy at your company? The President? I'm the highest paid guy at my company, and always will be.

Alan - Two NO's
1. I don't give a damn if Compton has a Bentley or not. Racers and fans are unhappy, and the head of the NHRA is silent.
2. I am NOT the highest paid person in my company. I take what I need to pay monthly bills. Everything else is poured back into the business to keep ahead of constantly changing technology. Newest Adobe software rendered all of our macs obsolete - it never stops.

I really enjoy the job you and Bob do, but I can't understand why you continue to defend the NHRA while there are so many problems.
If I were in your "shoes" just for fun I'd tell the NHRA I just sold all the nitro I had to the manufacturing industry.:D

And I wouldn't have a problem in the world if he really did that or if he just lit a match to it. People act as if he has some sort of OBLIGATION because he TOOK A RISK that happened to work out!!!

What if the bottom somehow dropped out of the market and the stuff ended up being worth half of what he paid for it? Would anyone act as if NHRA, VP, or anyone else would be just as obligated to bail HIM out? I don't think so! He would have been left holding the bag/drums.

NHRA was too busy trying to fine him $100,000 for owning the stuff! Now he's supposed to give a sh*t about them or the company whose representative already publicly SAID "Don doesn't give a %&*#@!!! about drag racing"? Let's just kick the guy in the nuts before we ask him for a favor.

For anyone who thinks it was that safe of a gamble, what if he'd invested in real estate with the same money?

It's easy to look now and say how pretty the man is/was sitting with that much nitro because it's AFTER the price has gone up! The only people who have any right in saying what he should do with his property would be the ones who joined him in buying it, if anyone did.
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And I wouldn't have a problem in the world if he really did that or if he just lit a match to it. People act as if he has some sort of OBLIGATION because he TOOK A RISK that happened to work out!!!

What if the bottom somehow dropped out of the market and the stuff ended up being worth half of what he paid for it? Would anyone act as if NHRA, VP, or anyone else would be just as obligated to bail HIM out? I don't think so! He would have been left holding the bag/drums.

NHRA was too busy trying to fine him $100,000 for owning the stuff! Now he's supposed to give a sh*t about them or the company whose representative already publicly SAID "Don doesn't give a %&*#@!!! about drag racing"? Let's just kick the guy in the nuts before we ask him for a favor.

For anyone who thinks it was that safe of a gamble, what if he'd invested in real estate with the same money?

It's easy to look now and say how pretty the man is/was sitting with that much nitro because it's AFTER the price has gone up! The only people who have any right in saying what he should do with his property would be the ones who joined him in buying it, if anyone did.

On the button, Ron. I agree with every word.
Yes, I Am Ther Bad Guy In Their Eyes.


don you are not the bad guy , you are being used as graham lights escape goat.

i think graham and tom have made it very clear over the last year or so they dont exactly like team shoe!

i have had my dealings in the past with graham and he is a coward.

graham is a fine example of the kid who got beaten up and had his lunch money stolen in school.
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