Nitro Member
.......... even if it means throwing away a 2 year deal. Even if a Major Associate dropped out it does not mean next season was in jeopardy.
Oh, I definately disagree with that. It can make a huge difference budget-wise. That affects the parts you buy or make, the talent you hire, and the number of test runs you can make.
How come all the big teams only seem to compete on the basis, "we must run all qualifying runs," I would like to see a BIG team from a BIG team owner not park a car because they can't make all 88 qualifying runs and still afford whatever sunday holds.
Because, and I mean no disrespect saying it, poeple like Kenny, and the other team owners don't strike me as being the type of people who do ANYTHING halfa$$ed. It's either full bore, or park it until we can.
Or retire.
Who says you cant run 44 of the 88 qualifying runs and not have a great sunday. It just seems like some team owners would never even think about running a team unless they can afford every single optional qualifying run.
Who says? Reality says. If you're not making a full four qual runs, you're not gathering tuneup information. That's especially important with tricky tracks.
I mean, lets be honest here guys. Kenny is no spring chicken anymore. If he and his best half have decided it's time to step back and smell the roses, I say more power to them. As I noted in the Kenny thread, it's always looked to me that Kenny has NOT enjoyed his retirement from driving. If you're not having fun anymore, why keep banging your head against the wall.
Enjoy your retirement Kenny!! We'll miss ya!
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