Concord reverses stance on drag strip (3 Viewers)

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Concord action may
settle drag strip fight
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Online effort to keep Concord speedway Charlotte Observer | 10/09/2007 | Online effort to keep Concord speedway

Faced with billionaire Bruton Smith's threat to move Lowe's Motor Speedway if the city of Concord continued to block his efforts to build a drag strip, City Council signaled tonight it was ready to compromise.

Council members voted to ask the city's Planning and Zoning commission to amend the speedway's zoning to allow drag strips as a permitted use on the property.

If the commission approves that change, the council recommended that speedway representatives work with the city staff during the plan review process to "consider the (drag strip's) impact on the surrounding area.

Smith, the track owner, was upset because the city blocked him this month from building the $60 million drag racing facility on speedway property. City council members cited concerns about noise in nearby neighborhoods.

In response, Smith said he was willing to spend $350 million to abandon his speedway in Concord and rebuild it somewhere else. Smith also threatened legal action if the city council intervened in his project, and has brought on well-known Charlotte lawyer Bill Diehl to represent him on the drag strip issue.

Tonight's surprise announcement came as race fans continue to pour into the area for Saturday's Bank of America 500 NASCAR Nextel Cup race at the track.

The city council also voted to hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. Oct. 24 to consider the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations and the zoning amendment itself.

Smith was not immediately available for comment.
You go girl!! Smith has some stones.

NHRA could do worse than sell to him me thinks.
I kinda figured this would happen eventually, I just didn't think they'd reconsider so quickly. :D Go Bruton.
I don't believe for a second that Bruton Smith would move LMS over a Dragstrip! There had to be some behind the scenes strong arming going on here! Either way, I'm glad for the folks in the Charlotte area!;)
I kinda figured this would happen eventually, I just didn't think they'd reconsider so quickly. :D Go Bruton.
I'm not at all surprised. Once the County Board and City Council started doing the math on lost income & tax revenue and had a few chats with legal council... all the blustering about "we have more information now and want to make sure everyone's issues are addressed" was just them trying to save face.

Registered member said:
I don't believe for a second that Bruton Smith would move LMS over a Dragstrip!
Having seen Bruton in action in Sonoma, Vegas, and Bristol I have no doubt that he would have moved Lowes into new digs someplace else... especially consider he was already planning on spending a butt load of money to renovate the facility beyond what he has planned to spend on the dragstrip.
I don't have a doubt in my mind he would have done it. Not because of the drag strip but just to show he has a bigger set and the money to back it up. Life is like a s__t sandwich. The more bread you have the less s__t you have to eat.
Bruton was on Tony Stewart Live last night on Siruius 128 and he said he had no doubt it would be built. Only one council member opposed building the strip. Also, he said that a woman that lived in the neighborhood near the proposed track called him and said it wouldn't bother her at all and was surprised that people were complaining about it and not the blasting from the nearby rock quarry that rattles the houses all day
30-40 years ago (whatever the #, i don't know) when bruton built in concord,
i'm sure he was risking a lot.
funny how so many years later, after countless employees and huge
dividends to the city, county and state; the local officials have the
audacity to vote against him.
even with urban sprawl, i'm glad to see the city has been shown
who's hand has fed them for many years.

he'd have moved LMS in a heartbeat.
From what I have heard about this, it sounds like Bruton can make more money(land deals & tax breaks) by moving the whole operation down the road.
He could make a ton more money if he moved it down the road, other counties giving him tax break's, someone offered something like 27,000 acer's of free land, if I were him I'd still move it to another county just to show those politicians who not to mess with.
As a real estate developer let me tell you that cities and counties would welcome him with open arms and checkbooks so they could get the new facility. I witnessed our city council give away 40mil in tax abatement for a new mall and our town population is only 300k. I like his style and he does have huge ones. GO BRUTON!
The track generated $169 million in tourism spending for Cabarrus last year, nearly 70 percent of the tourism revenue that came into the county, according to the Cabarrus chamber. And speedway property taxes are worth about $1.02.million to the county this year and an additional $722,247 to Concord.
I wonder if it was the $169 million in tourism or the $1.7 million in property tax that caused the backpedaling.
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