There is a petition going around on MySpace about it...
One thing no has mentioned in this saga, When he builds his new track, it will have an airport built to handle business jets. There won't be any complaints from encroaching home owners, as the FAA runs the airports. See E-town. Though limited in some scheduling, the noise factor is over ridden by the airport.
Actually, the airport would be private so it wouldn't be run by the FAA. Airports also have noise laws to abide by as well. The reason Bruton would include an airport in a new complex is because the Cup guys all fly in to the small airport right down the street from LMS. Even the local guys fly helicopters in from Mooresville to avoid the traffic.One thing no has mentioned in this saga, When he builds his new track, it will have an airport built to handle business jets. There won't be any complaints from encroaching home owners, as the FAA runs the airports. See E-town. Though limited in some scheduling, the noise factor is over ridden by the airport.
I believe Lowes Motor Speedway was originally built around 1960. Of course there's been many of add-ons and major improvements made to the facility since then. But people in the Seattle region have seen something similar happen. The Kingdome was built in the mid-1970's and opened in 1976. A little more than 20+ years later the building was demolished and two stadiums built in its' place.
Looks like Bruton may put his money where his mouth is.
ESPN - LMS owner prepares to move to another location - Nascar
I'll say it again. We need to get serious about sound barriers. I'm sure the track would have been approved if that was part of the design.
So because of this he is looking for land someplace else that they welcome him AND where he can buy enough land that encroachment is not an issue.
When Raceway Park (Englishtown NJ) was first built, the Napp's bought up hundreds and hundreds of acres for this same reason. The land in that area was mostly undeveloped. However, as development got closer and closer to the edges of their property, the neighbors began to complain about the noise. I know, I know.... if you don't want the noise, don't buy next to a drag strip. Doesn't matter .... it is an uphill battle every single time the 'neighbors' get together to impose more and more curfews..... One curfew too many, and I think they will throw in the towel.