Coaches Top 25 preseason Poll (2 Viewers)

After the Colorado debacle, I'm not so sure we would even beat you guys! Oh, well, my chi-town buddy, guess we will have to just sit on the sidelines, watch the other teams, and fall back on the age old chant of the losers--"just wait till next year!" Is the ND coach gonna be back next year? I hear Callahan is available....

Charlie will be back.....they decided that last year when they signed him to a 10 year deal in mid season....DOH!!!!.......but Callahan is interesting....we need someone to pick up the dirty jock straps :p
I'm hearing the job will be offered to Miles right after the SEC championship game, win or lose... But you know how rumors are....

This sets up to be a terrible week for LSU. A tough loss that took their national title hopes away, feeling like the SEC championship is a failure, rumors of your head coach going to Michigan & your d. coordinator going to Nebraska... They could really stink up the Georgia Dome if they arent careful...
Brian, OU's in the same boat with Mizzou. In our case Mizzou only has one loss, to OU, but is BCS #1. OU has 2 losses, both away and one without our stud QB, and are BCS #9. Talk about getting the short end of the stick... 4 teams in front of us lose, yet we only move up one spot and even get jumped by another team. A case could be made (not by me) that OU should be the top of the 2 loss teams.

How about this possibility? It's entirely possible that if we beat Mizzou in the Big 12 Champ game Saturday they could still end up being ranked ahead of us despite us beating them twice!

LSU losing at home really hurt y'all, especially coming at the end of the season.

I try not to get caught up in the BS that the polls bring, but I was very suprised that Kansas didn't drop any farther than they did.

And believe me it hurts to say this, but after watching USC this past week, do you think anybody would want to play them in the opening round of the playoffs??!!
Rumors around here are Ferentz turned Michigan down.

Supposedly it will be Miles or Kelly.

I hope it is Miles. He is as average as Carr. He was closer to a 4 or 5 loss year the LSUfan would like to admit.
Haven't heard anything about Ferentz other than that he is on the list.

I know Ron English and the other coordinator interviewed and that they have permission to talk to Miles now but not until after the lsu game this weekend. English will be a head coach some where someday, not sure if now is the right time

Read an article yesterday talking about the coach at Cal, I wonder if he's under consideration
Rumors around here are Ferentz turned Michigan down.

Supposedly it will be Miles or Kelly.

I hope it is Miles. He is as average as Carr. He was closer to a 4 or 5 loss year the LSUfan would like to admit.

Oh you are wrong about that. See all my posts above. They lived on the edge most of the year... Mostly because of poor preparation & discipline.
I think Tedford's stock might have dropped a bit with a very disappointing season...
The too many close games thing can be spun both ways.

On one side with the sec being sold as the most difficult league in the country shouldn't we expect close games? Also isn't it better to win those close games than to lose them. Plus there is the gutsy play calling of going for the td as time expires rather than the fg and overtime

On the other hand, if this is a top team should they be having issues with low or unranked teams. When you play with fire enough eventually you are going to burnt and they have twice now. Crazy play calling of going for the td as time expires rather than the fg and overtime.
thats the great thing about picking a coach, there are so many different standards and stats that can be used to support or be against any candidate.

If they pick Miles it will be wrong because .......

If they don't pick him it will be wrong becuase........

I was surprised to see the recruit rankings. I know Michigan has underachieved but I, like many it seems, thought LSU was dragging in many top recruits. Although I have always wondered about recruit rankings it must be hard to rank some 17,18 year old kid and try to figure where they will be in 3-4 years. Once they grow up.
Hey, just out of curiosity, if Les Miles does go to Michigan, what effect do you guys think that may have on the chances that Bo Pelini may go to Nebraska? Do you think he would be more or less apt to leave LSU and come to Huskerland in the wake of a Miles departure if it were to happen?
I guess this is the silly season for college football. :D Lots of talk around here from LSU about trying to keep Miles here......but I think he is a gone pecan. I find in interesting that Nebraska hasn't moved yet on their new coach. I like Pelini a lot and it wouldn't bother me if he stayed and took over the LSU program. But there are some others out there that I find intersting Jimbo Fisher...Of course there is the ever present rumor of the return of Saban back to LSU.......Personally I think they need to just get over Saban.......College football silly season is in full swing!!!!!!
Ok if we beat Tennessee the worst we can do is the Sugar Bowl!!! In most years this would be a very successfull season.....But I feel like we could have done more with this team.....Oh well....AS ALWAYS......................


Well I also just heard that Pelini in now a done deal to Nebraska, to be announced Monday or Tuesday.

I like the idea of Jimbo Fisher...
Jimbo said he was fine where he's at. Besides, there has been talk that he will succeed Bobby when that time comes. I thinking 1 - 2 years.

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