Dude, get your head out of the sand. Michigan has had as many, if not more, arrests than any College program out there.
I'm hearing the current Offensive Coordinator has the inside track right now.....
Michigan cannot afford to hire a Coach that is going to bail in a few years. They have to have someone that is in it for the long haul. Michigan realizes it will likely be a top 5 recruiter like it has every other year, and can continue to compete for lowly Big 11 Championships based on that talent level. The University of Michigan understands its fans are fine with Big 11 Championships and trips to the Rose Bowl, and won't expect anything more. Their low expectations will allow Michigan to continue the tradition of hiring mediocre Coaches like Carr and Schembechler. WolverQueen fan will in turn annoint them as God's in the State of Michigan. Heck, they don't even have to win Rose Bowls. Just get them there. That's good enough....
Ya know I generally don't even bother responding since you just love being the biggest ass on the boards?? But what they hell its the holiday season so I'll play for you.
Never said no arrest, sadly every program has them. Michigan would not have the most, apparently you've never heard of the University of Miami. Regardless I was talking about recruiting scandals and such. Like what hit the basketball program and many other big time programs.
Nothing wrong with the big ten champ or any other conference champs for that matter. Yes there are years when a conf may be weaker and winning not the challenge that it would be in other years. As for national champioships, get real while the bcs is still there there is no national champiosnhip. How is Kansas and Hawaii undeafeated yet ranked below a team with one loss? There will likely be 2 one loss teams in the title game this year what makes them better than other one loss teams?
Of course with that said yeah I'd love to have Michigan in that mix. Injuries and some horrible play stopped that from happening this year.
I will agree that they do not need to hire a coach who is looking for a quick run.
Bo Mediocre??....if your anti wolverine rants had any chance at
any credibilty it lost it right there. Don't let your hate blind you so badly.
Carr I suppose that will be the great debate. Not a great coach but better than avg. National Championsip, 5 conf titles, oh and he even posted a winning record over the ever praised SEC. His bowl and osu record fell apart the past few years.
and this need to also call people wolverqueen fans...hmmmm suppose Freud would have a field day with that one.
alright go ahead and fire away. Christmas is coming soon maybe I'll grant you a response around then