They better set up trampolines around the big house. I fear whichever team loses will have fans jumping off the stadium
Hi Everyone! Congrats, Teri! And the Huskers are 2-0 also--but didja see Oklahoma? Tom, I gotta hand it to you, in my humble opinion the Sooners are the best team in college football right now--Hope the polls reflect that this week!OHIO STATE ~ 2-0
So, my college football thread friends, does anyone think the Huskers have a chance against USC this Sat? I could be wrong, but I'm guessing Tom and the Sooner faithful may be cheering for the Huskers this weekend??? PJ, Dave, and Mike--sincere condolences, but it could be worse--maybe?
Hey, Justin,
Just checked the pick em results for the past weekend--I'm still firmly entrenched in last place--boy I really suck at that game!!!!
Good enough for me, PJ. Glad to have you aboard even if its only for the USC game....think we may pick up a few other "short term" supporters for that one--USC seems to be quite unpopular! And I'm guessing that OU and LSU may be Husker fans for a day...
Terry You can count me in as a "Husker for a day". As with most here I've never been a USC fan at all. It's interesting there have been ZERO USC supporters in these College football threads.
Welcome aboard Dave, even if it is temporary. The lack of USC supporters is really weird--I remember last years thread--several of us were asking for a USC supporter to chime in but to no avail. Ok, now I'm gonna ask the question I've been avoiding all day for fear of the responses--any of my college football thread buddies think the Huskers have a chance against USC??? Go Huskers