I respectfully disagree Mr. Keenan. How is it successful. Are there more fans in the stands now, then before the CD?? Are there more cars in competition?? I would say no on both points, so where's the success??
You mention "drama". Racing is about performance, not drama.
Drama is about "who done it in the library with a candle stick".
The CD is nhra's way of squeezing two seasons into one year. They give hundreds of un-earned points to some drivers, and unfairly lock drivers out of the championship before the season is over.
However they don't care how we feel, just like 1,000ft the CD is here to stay.
That was my effort to type what NHRA wants me to type lol. I still feel something needs to be done. I hate the countdown and all it has done is put a cap on teams who can't run for the title, at least before the teams still may not of been able to run for a title but were never capped. The countdown has done nothing but ruin competition more often then it has helped it and has nearly driven every little guy out of the sport due to the increase in $$$$$ by the teams that can run the countdown. My book has done a look at countdown vs. non countdown points, of course it can't compare psyche, but I think the days of run away point chases all across the board is long gone.