So does that mean they had plenty of Shutdown???
nick, i think you're rite.
here is a great video of full BIR road course from a couple years ago.
enters track just past 1320' finish line and directly into turn 1
YouTube - Porsche 996 GT3 Cup Car: Virtual Ride‎
OMG, the vaunted Dr. Rocket will not be there?!?!?! That's too bad David. A matter of economics, I presume?
This is where the wall (In Red) in question was for the road race on July 4th. They were using the drag strip at the same time that weekend for the annual "Show & Shine" event, so leaving it up is not out of the question.
joe, this is terrible news.
just lost a good friend to mesothelioma after countless
visits to Mayo........(it's in Rochester)
Although Brainerd will never be confused for Indy, drivers do not mind Brainerd being the final regular-season event.