Nitro Member
I'm not bashing anyone just stating that Whit is outspoken more so than most and he is labled "the bad boy of drag racing" for voicing his views.
I wonder where we as a nation would be if our forefathers didn't voice their opnions?
If a forefather voiced an opinion that was wrong or needlessly disrespectful and someone complained about it, I hope there was nobody like you or Jon around, especially if you were a fan of the particular forefather.
Why would you attack those who disagree with some things Whit has said and done with a line like "Some people just don't like to hear the truth." instead of just disagreeing with WHAT they say or HOW they disagree with Whit? If you hadn't done that and Jon hadn't done it in is article, I never would have posted on this thread. Thank you for informing me of what we label him as, as well. The next time someone says or does something and I start to think it's ridiculous, I guess I need to check with you people first to see if it's okay to think that way, much less voice it.
Instead of taking pot shots as to why you people would make up stuff to explain away the people who disagree with what Whit has said and done, I'll just ask the question. What kind of loyalty do you have with this guy that would have you do that? I wouldn't do that for a best friend who I knew was honest, mainly because I wouldn't HAVE TO! Why would I want to discredit myself and the person I was defending, making it look like they need fabrications to defend them? Why do you think you can make up things about their psychological makeup that you know you can't have a way in the world of knowing? Don't you realize that the more you make up things about the people who've disagreed with Whit, the worse you actually make Whit look? You talk about how honest he is WHILE you're lying about the people you're talking about. Remind me to never have you vouch for me.
Hell, I'll be the first to say that I believe Whit deserves better than YOU people defending him!
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