When I visited with Bernie shortly after Eric's accident, I asked him if they video taped the run. He said the camera malfunctioned and there was no tape from that run.
So how did this guy evaluate Eric's run if there is no recorded version of it? And he's only seen the front view of John's crash? Uh? We've all seen it from both the front and side angles.
Grant specifically said from the front motor plate to the back of the drivers compartment. I didn't ask him about the body tree off the rear of the cage. Those are the small tubes that support the back of the body and the puke tank.
"Never" were his exact words.
Keep in mind all the investigative work done was not done to discredit anyone. It was done to find out what went wrong. Are we OK saying it's OK to get killed in a race car? I hope not.
If anyone takes this personally I would suggest you look at what is being said and by who. Why does it seem that there are a couple of people willing to stick their neck out just to be right no matter how blue the sky is, in order to save someone(s) reputation or save a lawsuit.
The reality is...it's about building a safer race car AND SAVING LIVES! Nothing else. If you take it any other way, then you are sadly mistaken.
I got a PM from someone who wanted to know this:
That's the same "guy" who refers to Murf as "the chassis constructor." Like, he barely knows him? And he's on RETAINER to the guy?
What I've been surprised by thus far is that no one seems to be mentioning that fact -- that the sanctioning bodies sole piece of supportive information came from a paid consultant to "the chassis constructor."
What do you suppose he meant by that?
Keep in mind all the investigative work done was not done to discredit anyone. It was done to find out what went wrong. Are we OK saying it's OK to get killed in a race car? I hope not.
If anyone takes this personally I would suggest you look at what is being said and by who. Why does it seem that there are a couple of people willing to stick their neck out just to be right no matter how blue the sky is, in order to save someone(s) reputation or save a lawsuit.
The reality is...it's about building a safer race car AND SAVING LIVES! Nothing else. If you take it any other way, then you are sadly mistaken.
Fire away, Roo. Please quote the Asher story where the "big holes" are located and then give us the details of the "big holes", your conclusions and your data source to back your findings.
PS. I also asked you to give us your sources for your information a couple weeks ago on my funny car chassis thread and the silence is deafening. I will give you a pass on that for now. Just answer the above.
Please don't give the source for your conclusions like Dr. Metz did in Asher's article by saying something like "because Murf and Dan told me."
Quote from Asher article:
Dr. Metz offers no explanation in his letter as to how he concludes both accidents were the result of tire failures, so we asked him about that.
“That’s what I’ve been told by Dan (Olson) and by the chassis constructor as well. I looked at videos of both of them, and I don’t think there’s any question about Medlen’s. The video I saw of John Force’s accident was a head-on video, so I didn’t get a good look at that, but both Dan Olson and Murf McKinney, who built the chassis, (and) I talked to both of them, and they both said that they thought that accident was initiated by rear tire failure.”
I go to the doctor with a chest pain and my wife comes with me. The doctor comes in the waiting room and we both say we think I had a heart attack. The nurse comes in the waiting room and asks the doctor if he needs assistance. "Get a room ready, I was just told he had a heart attack!"
Don't you think the doctor should at least run a test or two before agreeing with my conclusion. Heck,. I just ate a 32 ounce prime rib the night before and it might just be a bad case of heart burn.
Grant says you may think he is your friend, but he also says you incorrect in your assumptions (that all chassis will break).
Awaiting your response.
Am I the only one that is curious to why Roo has chosen to not reply to Randy here...?
Hmmm....isn't this twice now that he has come up here and made some pretty bold statements (the other was about the funny cars 2-3 weeks ago, I believe) and when asked by very credible people here to justify and/or back it up, Roo seems to duck the opportunity to back-up his credibility...?
Makes you wonder if, well....nuff said, I guess...
Very informative story. From an outsiders point of view, it appears that there might be some egos and feelings that are at the center of this. I don't know much but, if the airplane industry has approved or disapproved something, I would bet that they have spent many more millions on destructive testing then all of the chassis builders and NHRA and all the teams put together. I am guessing that if this information makes it to ESPN2 then there will be a bunch of changes really quickly as far as the chassis specs.
When it comes to peoples lives, I think most people would agree that whatever the price it is cheaper then to lose another racer.
I really think that Micky Thompson/ Pat Foster were on the right track back in 1970/71... driver's tub, but married to tubes as we know them in front and behind the cocoon... combo "mono" and "space" frame... they were shooting for full mono with from and rear suspension... shoot for a mono driver's tub with rails in front, under, and behind... could be both front engine, short wheelbase, and rear engine, long wheelbase...
I'm out for the night... kick it around... does anyone remember the M/T mono-mustang or Johnny Buttera's T/F for Barry Setzer?
I really think that Micky Thompson/ Pat Foster were on the right track back in 1970/71... driver's tub, but married to tubes as we know them in front and behind the cocoon... combo "mono" and "space" frame... they were shooting for full mono with from and rear suspension... shoot for a mono driver's tub with rails in front, under, and behind... could be both front engine, short wheelbase, and rear engine, long wheelbase...
I'm out for the night... kick it around... does anyone remember the M/T mono-mustang or Johnny Buttera's T/F for Barry Setzer?
...I have no beef with Grant or any of the other chassis builders in this whole discussion, it is the others who are posting with no real knowledge of the situation that piss me off. People who have not actually built a race car should keep their mouths shut.
Why is everyone directing their anger and frustration at Roo? This should be directed at the source! We all work for someone. You are putting him in the middle on this whole deal. I don’t feel that he should respond to the comments! Everyone is forcing him into a corner with this whole deal! I do not know Roo personally, however, I sure wouldn’t want to be in the middle of what could be a legal battle.